The Kwamis: Part Two (Sugarsocks/Plikki, Fluffy + Angsty Love Square)

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Miss Bustier announced, “Class, we have some new students who’ll be shadowing a student for today to see if they like CFD. Will Tikki, Pollen, Plagg, Wayzz, and Trixx please come up here?”
Our kwamis walked up to the front, alongside Pollen and a boy I hadn't noticed walk up. He looked kind of like an inverse Adrien - with pitch black hair. The only feature they shared were eyes of emerald - which were different shades. The only thing on him that wasn't black or green was a shiny silver cat brooch - that must be like Tikki’s choker pendant, since Plagg was Chat’s kwami.
Wait - that meant Chat was in our class.
Plagg introduced himself first. “Hi, I'm Plagg. I love Camembert and Tikki.”
Tikki blushed as I giggled. Chat wasn't the only one chasing after a Ladybug, I see. Tikki went next, “Hi, I'm the aforementioned Tikki. I love cookies, hanging out with my hol - friends, and dislike Plagg’s flirting.” He shot back, “But why won't you love me, Bugaboo?”
I drily commented, “Someone learned how to flirt with girls from Chat Noir, I see.”
Plagg looked directly at me. “No, Mistress Marinette, I actually didn't learn from him.” He gave a predatory grin. “He learned from me.” He leaned back, crossing his arms as Tikki shook her head. “Quiet!”
Pollen sighed and stepped up. Waving her hand towards Tikki and Plagg, who were now bickering, she airily said, “Ignore these two, they're just really stubborn soulmates. I'm Pollen, and I'm friends with these idiots.”
Trixx spoke loudly. “Hi, I'm Trixx, and I like pranks and tricks. Watch your backs, everyone.” She smiled, and I caught a glimpse of the wolf under her sheepskin mask. “And I'm Wayzz.” Wayzz ended with. Miss Bustier finally stepped in to silence Plagg and Tikki. “Plagg! Tikki! If you two want to attend CFD, you'll learn here we are big believers in behaving yourselves, and this is not how you want to start your year.” Tikki immediately shushed all of the kwamis, saying, “Yes, ma’am.” Wayzz and Plagg walked up to Nino and Adrien… hm. Tikki and Trixx walked up to Alya and I, and Pollen went back to Chloe. I looked at Alya, and I asked Trixx and Tikki, “Who wants to sit next to Ivan and who wants to sit behind Adrien -”, the cat kwami slid in next to Adrien. Glancing up behind him, he smirked. “So you're the girl my kid’s always going on about.”
I threw back, “Why are you sitting next to Adrien?”
Trixx snickered. “Tik-tok, you can sit by the young Mistress. I'll sit behind Alya.” Trixx slid in behind Alya while Tikki squished in next to me. I glanced over to see Pollen and Wayzz had gotten their own seats, near Nino and Chloe. I turned to Miss Bustier and paid attention.
When the bell rang for first period, Plagg asked Adrien, “Kid, your next class is the one where Sketches was drawing Baker Girl, right?”
Alya frowned. “How would you know that?”
Plagg studied her. “Ladyblogger, I know Adrien better than his father.” My eyes narrowed.
Adrien sighed, “Plagg, I've told you over and over. Baker Girl, Ladyblogger, and Sketches have NAMES - Marinette, Alya, and Nathaniel.” Plagg snorted. “I only need to know Marinette's name, and I do. Everyone else is irrelevant - especially Sketches.”
Adrien groaned as I grabbed Adrien’s arm and spun him to face me - only to see a smirking, flirty Chat in his eyes instead. I whispered to Tikki, “Adrien is Chat?” The words felt odd in my mouth, but tasted like truth. “About time.” She kindly whispered back. “I knew you’d figure it out.” I blushed, turning away from the silly cat who suddenly invaded my thoughts.
Alya tugged me away. “Girl, your head is all up in the clouds. We have to get to class.” She pulled me towards Miss Mendeleiev’s class.

The whole day seemed to drag on forever. I snuck looks at my Kitty, but… how could I even think of telling him?
It should be easier to get ahold of Pollen, however. I waited until Sabrina had gone, then I darted over to Chloe and Pollen, Tikki at my side. “Chloe, we need to talk.” She arched a brow. “What for, Marinette?”
Pollen advised her, “Just trust Marinette.”
“I'm waiting for Sabrina! This better be important.” She snarked, but headed off with me. I pulled her over to a quiet corner of the library. “Chloe, I know you're Queen Bee.” Pollen smiled. “I knew you were a clever one!” Tikki beamed proudly. “She figured out as soon as she heard your name.”
Chloe sputtered, “Ah, wait, what?”
I swallowed, “Right, so you know how Pollen has taken human form for the day?”
“Uh…”, she hesitated, then answered, “Yes?”
I said, “So Tikki has taken human form for the day.”
Chloe gaped at me. “You have a Miraculous?!?” I brushed a lock of hair behind my ear for a moment, showing off my earring. I shakily confessed, “Yeah, Chloe. My Miraculous are these earrings.” She stared at the earrings. She stared at me - at my clear blue eyes, jet black hair in pigtails. She quietly said, “I didn't want to believe it.”
I blinked. “What?” Her voice grew stronger. “I saw Tikki, and I heard you say she was yours, but I didn't want to believe it.” I frowned. “What - you knew I'm Ladybug?” She answered, “No, but I was suspicious. That ‘doll’ I took from you the day Rose was akumatized - that was Tikki, wasn't it? A kwami. A ladybug kwami. And you'd told me she was yours. And you seemed desperately panicked to get her back. I remembered that when Chat gave me my comb, but I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe my idol was the girl I'd hated for so long I didn't remember why I hated her.” Chloe confessed. “Everything kept fitting in, but I ignored it. How you must've hated me.” She bowed her head. “Marinette, I am so sorry for everything. Please, how can I make it up to you?”
I sadly smiled. “You can't, not really. The damage is done, Chloe. But if you changed, that would be gift enough to me. You've changed a little - great thanks to Pollen, I believe.” The girl nodded in acknowledgement. “But you have to start changing on your own. The choice is YOURS, Chloe. Pollen can't make it for you. I can't make it for you. Adrien can’t make it for you. You've got to do it for yourself. Consider what you say and if it'll hurt someone's feelings." I was cut off from continuing when Alya and Trixx burst into our little corner. Alya raised a brow. “OK, this is suspicious. Pollen’s been the same weird as Trixx and Wayzz. And now I catch the four of you cozying up? Marinette, you'd better tell me what's up.”
I closed my eyes and blurted out, “ChloeisQueenBeeandPollenisherkwamisoyeah.” Alya blinked twice. “Woah. Slow down, Marinette.” I opened my eyes and clenched my fists. Tikki commented, “It's not like it's your fault they despise each other. Chat Noir chose Chloe, not you.”
Alya mused, “Pollen, Wayzz, and Trixx have been calling Marinette ‘Mistress’, they all seem to know each other, Pollen seems to kind of have some sort of bee pattern what with her hair and clothes -,” she snapped her fingers. “Chloe’s Queen Bee.” She said brightly. Then we heard a noise of surprise, all turning to face - Adrien, Plagg, Nino, and Wayzz.
I bit my lip. This wasn't so bad - just our team knew, but… I was caught up in the center of it. Adrien asked, “Alya, how did you even come to that conclusion?” Alya, stricken in panic, laughed awkwardly. “Oh, no reason.” Plagg frowned. “Why aren't you telling my kid? He deserves to know.” He turned to me. “And you, Baker Girl! Do you know how excited Adrien got when he found out about today?”
I twiddle my fingers. “Well, I - I don't know, I just…”, I gulped. Adrien raised a brow. “What is Plagg talking about? What else are you guys hiding from me?”
I winced. Nino, who'd stepped between us and Adrien, said, “Ah, when the time is right, dude, we promise.”
Adrien frowned. “I hate secrets.” He turned to go, and in that moment, I saw a hurt Chat instead of a hurt Adrien. I blurted out, “Chat, wait!” He whirled around as I covered my mouth. Alya asked, “Marinette?”
Chloe asked, “Marinette?”
Nino shakily asked, “What are you talking about?”
Adrien asked, “Marinette, why d-did you just call me that?”
Seeing Adrien nervous - no, Chat nervous, gave me confidence. “Well, you're Chat Noir, right?”
He stuttered, “Ah-er-no, absolutely not. I'm nothing like Chat Noir.”
I raised a brow. “You hate secrets - Chat hates secrets. You have the same hair colour, same eyes, same skin tone, same voice. You even have the same build.” Crossing over to him with quick strides, I grabbed his hand. “The straw that broke the camel’s back - you have the same ring.” Adrien stuttered, “M-my ring is si-silver.” I returned, “You are Chat Noir. Give it up.” Plagg advised, “Kid, they caught you.” His shoulders slumped. “I really thought the first person to find out would be my Lady.” He muttered.
Everyone started laughing, even Chloe.
He blinked. “Why are you all laughing?” Meanwhile, I chuckled. “Right, I forgot you were in love with Ladybug. I've been so busy agonizing over telling you.” He asked, “Princess, how long have you known I was Chat Noir?” I said, “Since you told Plagg my name was Marinette.” Plagg butted in, “I stand by Baker Girl. Much easier to remember.”
Wayzz scolded. “Plagg, Marinette will be in charge soon, you should call her Mistress like we all do.”
Adrien asked, “In… charge? Marinette?” I swallowed, “Right, about that… you don't even know the whole truth yet.” I giggled awkwardly. “So, uh, meet my kwami. Tikki.” Tikki waved. “Hi, Adrien. Nice to formally meet you. Marinette has told me about you - almost more than she's told me about Chloe.” Adrien gaped. “No. No way.”
I was crushed. He didn't love me. “Sorry to disappoint."
“No, just - you've been right in front of me! Right in front of me!” He seized my shoulders. “You're my Lady, aren't you?” I mutely nodded. “Man, I've been such an idiot.” He sighed. Then he froze. “You just - Alya.” Alya laughed. “I knew she was Ladybug before you did. You might remember Ladybug getting to pick Rena Rouge?” She gestured to Trixx. Adrien looked between Alya and Trixx, and then said, “Well, m’Lady, I'd say you have some good taste.” Alya grinned, “Thanks, Tomcat.” Chloe suddenly gasped loudly. “RENA?!?” She screeched in disbelief, pointing at Alya. I hissed at the same time as Pollen, “Keep it down, Chloe!”
She hushed herself. “Sorry, Marinette.” Then she whisper-screamed, “Rena?!?” I looked at Adrien, bursting out in giggles. Alya’s eyes widened as she finally realized the conclusion she'd come to. “Queenie?!? Chloe Bourgeois?!?” She grabbed me, a wild gleam in her eye. I pushed Alya off me. “Uh, yeah. Are you OK, Alya?”
Chloe sighed. “Thank you, Alyakins, I feel very appreciated.” Alya held out her arms - and Chloe rushed right into them. I heard Alya whisper something into Chloe’s ear that I couldn’t hear, and she grinned a mile wide.
Suddenly, I felt Adrien sling his arm around my shoulder. “I guess a Ladybug can change her spots, Bugaboo.”
I pulled his arm off my shoulder, intertwining his hand with mine. I turned to face him. “Adrien, let’s take it slow. I want to do this - but I want to do it right this time. It can be you and me - that’s all it really needs to be, isn’t it?”
He took a knee and kissed the back of my hand. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted it to be, Marinette.” He looked up at me, a faint pink tint playing on his cheeks. I lovingly grinned down at him. “C’mon, get up, Kitty.” He stood up and I leaned into him comfortably. We watched Chloe and Alya double-teaming Nino and all our kwamis tell stories.
All of this - we owed to them. I cleared my throat. “Thank you, Tikki. I don't know who I'd be without you.” My voice vibrated with emotion. The kwamis paused their chatter as she turned to me and giggled. “You wouldn’t be Ladybug, for one.”
“I know, but what I meant was… as a person. I wouldn’t be so confident, or moral, or level headed without you. You’ve been my voice of reason and my constant cheerleader.” Tikki replied, “You already were all those things, Marinette. I just pulled back the layers.”
Pollen noted, “Isn’t that what we do best?”
“Yeah… it is.” Adrien’s chest vibrated with every word.

Uhhhh... so I hope you liked it! This one was really involved and really long and took me forever to write, but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to give it to you when I found out about Sandboy's release date., I'm rambling already? There really isn't much to say after this one, I guess. Buzzing out!

- Queen Honey 🐝

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