What If? Glaciator - Lady Love (Love Square)

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I will often do What If? chapters, oneshots based on a very crucial decision that would've changed everything in a sole episode. This one is from Glaciator, so if you haven't watched that for some odd reason, watch it before reading this oneshot. What if Ladybug had told Chat Noir who her crush was?

I apologize for the lack of updates since August 26th, but I will try to make up for it now. You're looking at the first chapter of a quadruple update!

Chat Noir's POV

I narrowed my eyes. That's why Bugaboo wouldn't date me. She liked another guy; a civilian. Still, I had to ask, who was better than Chat Noir?

"Who is he?" Bugaboo looked away, and stuttered. "Well, I suppose it does me no harm...A-a-a-adrien. Adrien Agreste."

She had a crush on ME?!? My civilian form? Who... who was she?

"My Lady, please tell me who you are. I know Adrien... he likes you too."

"A-a-adrien?!? How does he know who I am?!? Oh, I thought I hid it so well..."

"No, no. He doesn't have a crush on you when you're whoever you are. He has a MAJOR LEAGUE crush on you, my Lady. As in Ladybug."

Bugaboo burst out into tears. "I shouldn't have hoped..." she sniffled. I couldn't help but wish I knew who she was. I wanted to be with her, and I knew she liked me too.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong about that, Bugaboo? He likes you."

"Kitty, you don't get it. I know him. He doesn't love me if he loves Ladybug. He just...he only cares for the mask, not for the girl behind it." Bugaboo said. Interesting. I know her civilian...

Ladybug's POV

Adrien doesn't...poor Chat. I just cried about me being rejected while rejecting him. I stiffened up and dried up my tears. I heard his ring beep. "Chat, listen, you gotta go. You're going to turn back soon. We can never find out each other's identities." I turned around.

"No, my Lady. I don't want to go. I want you to know who I am. Plagg-" he hesitated for a minute before continuing. "Claws in." he said. I whirled to face him. "Are you CRA-" my yelling cut off as I saw who Chat Noir was behind the mask. I watched his ears melt off, his hair shorten, the greens of his eyes turn white and the pupils round. The costume melted off to leave me facing - Adrien Agreste?!? I flashed back to ALL the times I'd talked with one or the other about their alter ego...

Adrien's POV

Lady moaned lowly. "Noooooooo. Noooooo. No. Nooooooooo."

"My Lady, what's the problem? I like you. You like me. Let's date."

"Adrien... like I literally just told you. You like my mask. If you knew who I was, you'd probably be disappointed. And... I can't be with someone who only loves my mask, not who I am."

Her earrings beeped. She began sobbing. "Chat, I can't...I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

Her yoyo flew out, leaving me alone. I'd messed up. If I hadn't... she'd still be here,she'd still be my Lady. And I'd still be her Kitty.

Marinette's POV

I ran off and detransformed. "Tikki, spots off." I said dejectedly. She flew out of my earrings as I went back to being Marinette. Who Adrien didn't like, because he was too entranced by Ladybug. I sighed. "Why so sad, Mari? He likes you." Tikki told me. "No, he doesn't, Tikki. He likes the girl with the spotted earrings, the one who saves Paris with him. I'm...I'm not that girl. Just Marinette. And...Adrien...he likes his Lady."

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