Chapter One

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"STOP! Let go of me! Please!" A girl about fifteen years old screamed. Two older men were holding her arms determined not to let her go. The teen girl seemed to have an empty potato sack on her head to prevent her from seeing who the kidnappers are.

"Dang woman! Stop squirming or we're going to squeeze harder!" One of the men said. Suddenly the girl heard something. It sounded like a punch? Was someone saving her? The right side of her lip slightly rose. She knew she was "kind of" safe. Suddenly the potato sack came off of her face and she saw three beat up, concious men on the ground and an injured boy with raven hair and light brown eyes standing in front of her.

"Are you okay?" The handsome young hero asked.

"Y-Yeah." The honey haired girl said still in shock of what happened to her. Finally she came to her senses and asked. "What about you are you okay?" She took another look at him and saw blood stains. "Oh my gosh! They stabbed you?"

"It's just a cut, now lets go." He said

"So why did you save me?"

"..." He didn't reply.

"You know where I live?" He nodded. When they went to her house she took another look at him to make sure she won't forget what he looked like. The raven haired boy glared at her and fainted. He lost too much blood. "OH MY GOSH!" The girl ran into her house and got her mother.

"Serena, what-" She stopped when she saw what happened. They called the ambulance and when they arrived they said he was going to be fine. "He is just going to get some stitches and he will have to rest for a few days." Serena smiled as her unknown hero is going to be okay.

The next morning Serena went to go visit the boy who saved her in the hospital. She walked in and ran to the counter. "Hi, I'm here to see the boy that came here yesterday that had a stab wound."

"Ash Ketchum?"

'That was his name.' She thought to herself. "Yes please."

"Oh I'm sorry ma'am. I'm afraid he has already left."

"Already left? Did he say anything?"

"He said that he felt better and that nobody was going to visit him anyways."

"Hmm. Well I'll get going, thanks anyways!"

The next morning Serena sighed when she realized it was Monday. She got dressed in her usual. Her red and black dress, her long black socks, tennis shoes, and her favorite pink hat.

She walked to school with her best friend, Dawn. When they arrived she was surprised to see that Ash was there too!

"You see that kid?" Dawn pointed at Ash. "Everybody says he's a freak. He doesn't say anything and he is a total social outcast."

"Freak? Are you kidding me? Ash saved my life! If you think he's a freak you have a mental problem!"

"U-uh I. Wait a minute, saved your life? What happened?"

"Well last night I was kidnapped."


"Yeah, and he came in to save me!"

"Oh. Well I guess he's not really a freak." The two girls walked to class together. They sat down at there usual spot and the bell rang. A minute after the door opened again.

"Already late Ash? It's your first day!"

"Shut up." He said.

"I knew you were trouble when you walked in." The teacher said. The class laughed at the teacher's song reference.
"Detention." The teacher said again. The boy went in and sat in an empty desk.

"You don't have to be that harsh Mr.Brandon!" Serena shouted.

"You want detention too?"

"Uhm, no sir. Sorry sir." She said. After school she went shopping with Dawn. They went to all the stores, three times. When they were about to go to the last store Serena saw Ash walking past her.
"Hey! Ash! Wait up." Ash didn't stop, but slowed down so she can catch up with him. "I just wanted to say thank you for saving me last night."

"Stop. I don't need an apology. Goodbye."

"Well now I see why nobody likes you." Ash looked back at her and started walking again, but picked up the pace.

Serena stretched out her arm to stop him, but he was to far away already. She knew that she screwed up. She thought about what he did for her. Her face got completely red. 'How could I have said that to him! He saved my life!' She thought. Serena sprinted, like she needed to catch up with her savior and apologize. When she finally did he stopped.

"Look, I'm really sorry for saying that to you! Just know that I didn't mean it."

"Okay, alright. Can I go now?"

Serena paused. 'Why did he say that? Does he not like me? Does he hate me?'

"Um, hello?"

"Oh yeah! Go ahead!" She blushed. Serena shrugged and walked back to Dawn.

"Hey Serena, what happened back there?"

"Nothing. Lets just go home" They both went their seperate ways and headed home.
The next morning when Serena went to school she saw everyone running into the cafeteria. She wanted to check it out so she ran with the other students.

"Do you miss your mom and dad, Ashy?" Serena heard a jerky voice come from where apparently all the action is. 'Drew.' She thought to herself. The honey haired girl pushed her way through the crowd to get a better look. She saw Ash and Drew at the top of the stairs that led to the cafeteria.

"..." Ash didn't reply.

"Ha, too scared to speak?" Drew grinned and kneed Ash in the gut. Due to instinct Ash punched him in the face, knocking out a tooth. Drew was surprised by this. He snapped and five very big guys surrounded Ash. They were Drew's "goons". Ash knew he could fight them, but not all at once. They grabbed him. Ash struggled to get out, but just couldn't. The goons threw him down the stairs.

"ASH!" Serena shouted. When he landed he paused for a second. Then he stood up and walked away. Serena noticed he was limping and holding his left shoulder. Serena followed him out.

"Where are you going?" He looked back at her.

"No where." He said and limped off. Serena's eyebrows narrowed. She had enough of it. She was going to find out why Ash was like this. She followed behind him keeping a distance so if he turned around she would be able to hide quickly. While she was following she tripped over a rock and fell. She made an incredibly loud and grunt which obviously Ash noticed.

"Why do you keep following me around?" He asked.

"I I uh." It started raining and Serena was glad it did.

"Ugh, c'mon my place isn't far from here."
The girl was confused, but then quickly followed after realizing that he was inviting her to his house. Ash lead her to an orphanage.

"Are you sure this is your house? I thought this was an orphanage."

"It is." He said.

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