Chapter 16

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Serena fought for a breathe as she gazed at her boyfriend struggling through the pain the syringe gave him. She turned on the waterworks and bawled, shaking the chair she was tied in tightly. That was it. Serena could not take it anymore. She closed her eyes, wishing she could cover her ears so she couldn't hear Ash screaming and wailing.

"Oh, why can't you watch Serena? Is something wrong?" Giovanni teased. Serena opened her eyes again once the screaming stopped. Ash was unconscious in the chair. Then, Ash opened his eyes slowly. Staring around the room. It almost seemed like he was lost.

"Ash?" Serena mumbled under her breath.

"Untie him now." Giovanni commanded. The two thugs came up to Ash and loosened the knots. Once Ash was free Giovanni walked next to him and whispered something in his ear. Serena couldn't quite make it out. Then Giovanni maniacally laughed and walked out of the room. Just leaving Ash and Serena alone.

"Ash? Can you hear me?" Serena asked. The boy looked down and grinned. He started walking towards her unhurriedly.

Heh. If you want you can ignore this part.

Once Ash got to her he grabbed her shoulders forcefully pulling her into a rough kiss. His hands slid down to her waists and slowly, they travel up her shirt. Serena broke the kiss.

"Ash! What are you doing? Stop!" The teenage boy ignored her words and kept going. He moved his soft lips to her neck and kissing it. Also biting it ever so slightly. "Ash, please. This isn't you." Ash snickered.

He moved his hands from under her shirt to her pants. Slipping them down her jeans. Serena was now crying. She hoped this wasn't real life. When his hands got to her area she tried screaming, but it didn't come out. "Ash, listen to me. You have to stop. Now! Snap out of it. Remember you. Not this. You." Serena said. Finally it all stopped.

If you skipped you can read now.

Ash stood still. "What did I just do." He sat down on the floor. He was sniffling trying to keep his tears in. "I became him, Serena, I became him." Ash was now uncontrollably crying and sobbing. Giovanni barged into the room.

"YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF CRAP!" Giovanni shouted. "YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING!" Ash was so vulnerable he couldn't do anything. Giovanni started kicking him and he wasn't stopping. The man breathed heavily. "I'll kill you later." He said. Then he left the room.

Ash coughed and gagged blood. "Ash!" Serena shouted. Ash pulled out the strength to loosen the knots. He coughed again. Serena quickly came to his aid. "Oh, Ash. Why did you have to do this." She whimpered.

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