Chapter 10

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Ash came down from washing up. "Hey, I'm back Serena."

"Hey! You know, I was wondering if we can have some dinner tonight." Serena asked while blushing.

"Oh sure. Let's go."

"Wait! Not right now. I'll meet you at the restaurant near the Grocery store at five."

"Um, alright. I guess I'll walk you home." Ash offered.

"WAIT UP! I'll walk her home." Garret said. Then whispered to Serena, "We're going dress shopping."

"Okay, I guess." Ash walked back to his room.

"Let's go." Garret grabbed her hand and escorted her out the door. The two made there way to the mall.

"Oh! Garret! Look at that dress!" She pointed at a display outside one of the stores.

"Oh that's lovely! Do you bring your wallet?"

"What? I thought you were gonna pay for it."

"I thought you were. Oh fine! I'll pay for it."

Serena giggled. "Well, thank you sir."

"I'll walk you the rest of the way home." Garret said. They walked to Serena's house.

"Thank you for walking me Garret."

"No problem." Garret waved goodbye and made his way to the orphanage. He ran into Ash when he walked through the door. "Hey! Where are you going?" Garret said in a concerned voice.

"I'm going to eat out with Serena." He replied.

"Well, not in that."

"Why? We are just eating."

"It's a date, you idiot."

"A date?"

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