Chapter 19

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"I think we lost them." Serena informed. She checked her surroundings again. "Okay, I think there is another route."

"Alright, whatever. Just go before we're out of time." Garret directed.

"RIght." They two teens rushed through the streets until they reached Giovanni's"hideout".

"Okay, thorugh here." Serena said pointing at the vent.

"Ugh, you sure I can fit?"

"Just go! It's Ash!" Serena shouted. After hearing that, Garret quickly crawled through the entrance and Serena followed close behind. "Just keep going straight Serena directed.

"Okay." Garret kept crawling the same direction. "I think I see the exit!" Garret maneuvered his way around to where his feet were facing the vent entrance. He then kicked it open. The first thing he saw was an unconcious Ash. "Gosh. What did they do to him!" Garret said as he crawled out of the vent. A second after Serena crawled out and gasped at the sight of Ash.

"Oh my gosh! ASH!"

Ash's eye fluttered. "S-serena?" He tried to sit up, but quickly went back down. "Aghh!"

"Ash! Stay there!" Garret said. "Man, you're injuries are too serious. You can't move."

"What are we going to do!" Serena panicked.

"Calm down. We WILL figure this out." Garret ensured. 

"Okay, okay." Serena took deep breathes.

"You guys shouldn't have come back." Ash struggled to say. "Giovanni is going to kill you guys."

"No, we are definitely not leaving you." Serena said to Ash. Looking into his deep brown eyes. She knew that always worked on Ash. The injured boy nodded. Serena quickly directed her head towards the door. She heard footsteps approaching. Giovanni opened the door to see two more people in the room.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Giovanni whipped out his switchblade.

"Serena! Get Ash! I'll deal with him!" Garret commanded. Serena nodded. She grabbed Ash's arm and pulled him up. 

"Ouch!" Ash said.

"Sorry!" Serena apologized. "We have to go!"

"No!" Ash managed to shout. "We aren't leaving Garret either!"

Garret got prepared. Giovanni had a blade and he had his fists. Giovanni launched for his stomach, but Garret dodged. He then kicked Giovanni's back.

"OW! You son of a bitch." Giovanni was full out angry now. He tackled Garret to the ground an pointed the blade to his heart. Garret grabbed a hold of Giovanni's fists before the blade reached his heart. Now it was the battle of strength. Garret strength was giving out. "Ha, all this for your little friend."

"AHHH!" Garret struggled. He couldn't take it anymore. The blade has reached his heart. After seeing this, Serena carefully set Ash down. Giovanni then collapsed as Serena hit him with the chair she was tied to earlier. 

"NO!" Ash said. He painfully crawled his way to Garret. He put his hand on Garret's wound. "No, please. You can't die now." Ash was now in tears.

"Ash stop crying." Garret told him. "It's okay. It's okay."

"No. No. Please." Ash sobbed. Garrets head turned the other way, but Ash put his hands on each side of Garret's cheeks and forcefully pulled him to look him in the eyes. "Please buddy." Garret took his last breath.

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