Chapter 12

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"I can't believe this." Serena said still wide-eyed. "So, are we"

"Well, we're on a date, aren't we?"

"Oh! Of course!" Serena said. She blushed bright red. I am actually dating Ash Ketchum! She thought.

The waiter walked over to their table. "May I take your order?"

"Yes please. I will have your ribeye steak with a loaded mash potato." Ash ordered.

"And for the lady?" The waiter asked.

"I'll just have a salad. Thank you."

"Okay, your order will be ready soon." The waiter said politely before leaving their table.

There was some awkward silence until the waiter arrived again. "Here you go sir and ma'am. Enjoy!"

"Thank you." They both said.

Ash tried a bite of his steak. "Oh wow! This is delicious! I'm never used to this kind of food."

"I'm glad you like it!" Serena giggled. The couple gobbled up their dinner, paid, then left.

"I'll walk you home." Ash gestured. They had another awkward silence as they arrived at Serena's house. "Thanks for taking me back and for the amazing night."

"You're welcome, could we exchange numbers?" Ash asked.

"Sure." Serena handed her phone to Ash and Ash did the same. They dialed their numbers in the contacts list and handed them back.

"See you tomorrow. I got a surprise for you!"

"Really! Alright, good night!" She said back. Serena came back into her house and plopped onto her bed, dreaming of what Ash's surprise is. The next day Serena received a text.

Ash: Hey. Come meet me near Mount. Kalos at 10:00 AM. Okay?

Serena: Okay, see you there ;)

Serena turned on her phone and put on her everyday clothes. She checked her clock and saw that it was 9:45 AM so she decided to make her way to the mountain.

She arrived seeing Ash with cargo shorts a T-Shirt and a small draw-string backpack.

"What are we doing here?" Serena asked cluelessly.

"We're hiking you dummy." Ash said in a playful way.

Serena looked disappointed. "Are you kidding me?" Ash laughed and gestured her to follow him. They talked and giggled up the mountain. Although, they had to take a lot of breaks because Serena didn't have as much stamina as Ash has. When they made it to the top they paused.

"Doesn't it look beautiful!" Ash said.

"It does, but can we go down now?" Serena complained.

"One second. I want to take a closer look." Ash said. He walked all the way to the edge. All of a sudden a piece of the ledge broke off and Ash fell down the high cliff reaching for something to hold onto.

"ASH NO!" Serena said.

"What?" Ash said holding her shoulders firm with a concerned look on his face. Serena was just imagining it.

"Sorry. I-It's nothing."

"Alright, well I'm gonna go to the ledge and get a closer look at the gorgeous sight."

Ash walked towards the end of the cliff, but was interrupted when he was tackled by Serena.

"Don't go there! Its dangerous!" She screamed.

"I promise I'm not gonna fall. We didn't come all this way for nothing."

"Listen, I just don't want you to go there." She said. Ash looked into her sad, worried eyes.

"Okay Serena. Let's go home."

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