Chapter 17

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"Dammit, Serena. He's going to kill me. You need to get out of here." Ash said.

"No! Not without you!" She protested.

"Look, Serena. If you don't get out he would probably kill you too. Look around for places or ways to escape. For me, please." Ash commanded. Serena anxiously looked around the room.

"There's a vent!" Serena exclaimed. The two heard footsteps coming towards the room.

"Okay, get out of here now." Ash said. "I'll deal with Giovanni."


"Now." Ash looked her in the eye. The girl nodded and crawled into the vent.

Giovanni slammed open the door and Ash awaited is fate.


SUPER SHORT CHAPTER. I APOLOGIZE. I want to inform you guys of my new fanfiction "Lost//Walking Dead and 5SOS Crossover" I'm very excited about this. So please swing by and check it out! The next chapter will be coming out soon and it will be way longer! Thank you for understanding.


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