Chapter 5

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Something was very strange when I came to school today. I saw Ash smiling. He was talking to people.

"Hi Serena!" He smiled and ran to me. "How is your day?"

I was shocked. What happened to him? "It's great!" I said. "I guess." I mumbled. I'm happy that he changed, but why?

"Okay! Bye!" He ran away and started talking to another group of people. I shrugged and walked to my next class. Throughout the day Ash was talkative and happy. After school I wanted to talk to the "new" Ash, but he was talking to Ash. They were laughing. Ash was laughing so hard he fell on the ground. "I have to go! Bye!" I heard him say.

"Okay! Bye!" Dawn said. I felt something inside me. Was it jealousy? No. Dawn is my best friend.

"Hey Serena! Guess what! Ash is different, like he is nice and happy and other things. You know what I did?" I opened my mouth to say something then she answered herself. "I asked him to be my boyfriend!"

"Wait what?" I can't believe this. I needed to tell her that I liked Ash, but I couldn't. All my emotions were curled up in a ball. "What did he say?"

"He said 'I'll think about it'" She said. I was a little relieved. I need to persaude Ash to say no before he makes his decision. I was conflicted.

Should I choose my best friend? Or my crush?

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