Chapter 2

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'Ash is an orphan?' She thought to herself when she was walking in. 'That explains some of his attitude.'

"Welcome back, Ash." A man with spiky blonde hair said.

"Hey Garret." Ash said back to him, after that they high fived. "Let's just go to my room." Ash motioned Serena to follow him. In his room was a small square TV, a desk with a laptop on it, his small bed, and a stack of weights in the corner of his room. Ash sat down on his bed while Serena sat down on the rolling chair next to his desk. "Just stay here until the rain clears out."

Serena nodded. She was very happy about staying with Ash until the rain cleared. She never wanted it to stop raining. "Hey um, what's your name?"


"Oh okay, hey Serena I need you to do something." The raven haired boy removed his shirt. "I think the bandage came off. You need to put another one on." Serena didn't hear a word. She was to focused on his abs.

"Uh what? Oh bandages?" Ash handed Serena a clean bandage. She put them on carefully trying not to touch the cut. The rain kept pour for a few minutes. Serena glanced over at Ash.

SNORT! Ash was snoring. He was definately sleeping. Serena decided it was the perfect time to look at him. 'He is so cute when he sleeps.' She thought. 'Should I kiss him or just keep staring at him?' She made that decision quickly.

Serena's lips mashed into Ash's. Then she heard a faint gasp. Serena looked to her right and found Garret staring at them. "Oh my, uh what are you doing here!"

"I was going to my room! By the way come here!" He said. Serena shushed him and pointed to Ash. "Oh yeah, sorry." Garret whispered. Garret grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the room. "Ash can't be with you. I'm sorry."

"What why?"

"Well you see and few years back someone he was totally in love with broke his heart. That was the only time Ash was happy after the incident with his parents. After that jerkface broke his heart Ash became completely heartless."

"I see, but I really like him!"

"I will not let you break his heart! He will become even worse!"


"I have gotten my eye on you. Excuse me, I have to do some stuff." Garret left the heart broken girl alone.

'I cannot let that lunatic stop me.' She looked at Ash again and blushed. She went back to his room and sat on the rolling chair and looked around, but something caught her eye. It was a picture of Ash, his mother, and his father. The honey haired girl stared at it for a while then slouched back in the chair. She became extremely bored. She wanted to wake Ash up, but he seemed so peaceful.

Serena glanced over at his closet and had an idea. She than ran over to Ash's oakwood closet and took out the first thing she saw. It was the dark hoodie he was wearing the night he saved Serena. She also grabbed his beanie he wore that night too. She put the clothes on and looked at his mirror. She felt so comfortable in his clothes. Serena started to play around in them. "Hey Serena." Serena said in a deep voice trying to imitate the teenage boy sleeping in the bed next to her. "Oh, hey Ash." She said with her normal flirty voice. She played around like this for a while. SNORT! Another snore from Ash. That time it woke him up.

The raven haired boy look at Serena. Then the window. "You can go home now. It stopped raining." He said and fell back into his bed.

"Um okay?" Serena squeaked quietly. 'Did he notice me in his hoodie?' She decided not to think about it and took off the hoodie and headed home.

"Oh hey Serena." Her mother greeted her as she walked into her house. "Now, young lady. Why are you home so late? Were you kidnapped again?"

"No way! I was walking home and it started raining. Home was still a while away so I went to-" Serena thought a moment. Her mom was really overprotective of her so she couldn't say that she was with Ash because Serena didn't know him as well.

"Went to where?" Her mother's raised one eyebrow.

"I went to Dawn's house! That's it!" She exclaimed.

"Okay. Well dinner is ready for you on the table."

"Oh dinner! I'm starving!" The young girl ran over and sat down at the table.

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