Chapter 3

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The next morning Serena gathered her bags and headed to school. As she walked to her homeroom she saw Ash.

"A-!" She was interupted by Garret. Garret pushed her aside and stared at her.

"Hey, what's your problem."

"Remember what I told you. Don't talk to Ash. If you hurt him, I will hurt you."

"Oh. I um."

"You understand?" Serena nodded. She had to find the perfect time to talk to Ash.


Serena ran to class. She had completely forgotten why she came to school. After her first class she saw Ash walking in the hallway. His hands were in his pockets and he looked down. Serena was about to tap on his shoulder to get attention, but as soon as her finger touched the cloth on his hoodie his lightning fast reflexes kicked in and he pinned her against the wall.

This got the attention of everyone in the hallway. All the chatters, whispers, and laughter quieted down. Ash looked at his surroundings. He let Serena go. She slid down the wall still in shock of what just happened. Ash walked away and pulled his hoodie over his head. Absolute silence, until the bell rang. Everybody rushed to ther classes except for Serena. She sat there for minutes, just thinking.

Once Serena came to her senses she walked to her next class. Of course, she was assigned a report for being late to class. She took her seat next to Dawn. "Hey." Dawn whispered. "I heard what happened. Are you alright?"

"Yes, of course, why wouldn't I be."

"Just asking."

Right after school Serena immediately tried to find Ash. "Hey! Ash!" She shouted out to him. When she caught up to him she apologized. "I'm sorry for startling you, today."

"Why can't you just leave me alone?"

'Now I'm starting to wish I haven't saved her.' He thought to himself.

"You are so insensitive! You have no feelings! You act like a robot! Even when I thank you, you just walk away!" Serena screamed at him. She couldn't stand it anymore. Ash's eyebrows slanted downwards and he slouched. After looking at Serena one more time he left. 'Wow. I am a horrible person.' Ash thought.

The honey haired girl looked down at the ground. She screwed up..again. She gasped when somebody pushed her. She lifted her eyes to see who it was. Garret.

"What did you do to him now? I told you. Do not talk to him or bother him or anything!" Garret slapped her in the face and left. Serena's hand covered the cheek that Garret slapped. It stung really bad. She turned around and headed home.

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