Chapter 18

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Giovanni entered the room. He had a disgusted look on his face. He started kicking Ash in the gut. The man bent down and clenched Ash's shirt, pulling him up. He used his other hand to brutally punch in the face. His did it several times.

"Mr. Giovanni." A woman in a tight dress said. "We need you for something." Giovanni sighed.

"Can't you see I'm busy?" He replied angrily.

"Sir, it's important."

"Alright. You got lucky, Ketchum. I'll come back. I look forward to killing you." Giovanni left confidently. Ash crawled his way to the way. He leaned his bruised back on to it. It stung a lot.

"Damnit." He cursed. "How am I supposed to get out of this prison?" Ash closed his eyes and rested.

Meanwhile, Serena crawled out of the vent leading outside. She walked to the orphanage. She bursted through the doors. "Garret!" She shouted.

Garret popped his head out. "Yes?"

"You have to come with me. Now." She said.


"Just come on."

Garret and Serena walked out of the orphanage. "There she is!" A deep voice shouted to their right. Serena was shocked to see three of Giovanni's goons run towards her. Serena grabbed Garret's hand and sprinted the opposite way.

"What are we doing?" Garret asked as he ran.

"A guy named Giovanni kidnapped Ash and I when we were on a date. He started torturing Ash, but I managed to escape. The people we are running from work for him." The girl said breathing heavily.

"Who is Giovanni?"

"He killed Ash's mother." She said while looking down.

"Oh." Garret replied with a low tone. "There!" He said. "There's an ally!" The two ran into it and stopped. The two caught their breathe. "What now?"

"I know where Ash is. We just need to get there." Serena told Garret.

"Okay. How? Those three goons are chasing us down!"

"Let me check if they're there." Serena walked to the corner of the alley and poked her head out. She quickly pulled her head back. "They are walking towards us. There's a fence over there. Boost me over it."

Garret helped her over the wired fence and he climbed up it himself. "Okay lets go." He said.


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