Chapter 8

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(Serena's POV)

I waited outside the hospital to hear from the doctors. I waited there for hours. Tears were streaming down my face like a river. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and walked to Ash's room only to be interupted by the doctor.

"Hello ma'am. Ash is awake, but very weak. You can visit him for a while if you want."

"Okay. Thank you very much!" I made my way down to his room. When I opened the door I didn't find a strong, handsome, and manly boy. I found a very weak boy instead.

"Um, he-hello?" Ash looked up. It didn't seem like he could hear me. "Ash, I want to be honest with you right here and now. I have been in love with you since you saved me. You can't die now!" He looked at me blankly. I still don't think he could hear me. I could hear the machine next to him beep.


"Ash! Can you hear me!" Still no response. I sat down at the side of his bed and grabbed his face with both of my hands making him look into my eyes. "Ash. Please." I was startled when his hand moved to my hair. He ruffled through it and said.

"You're so gorgeous."

Then his hand fell.


No. This couldn't be happening. I was screaming now. "ASH!" I kissed him. No response. I kissed him harder. Ash laid still on his bed.

The doctors ran into the room. "Please! He stopped breathing!"

"We will take care of him! Please wait outside!" The doctor told me and pushed me out of the room. Before I came out I took one last look at Ash's frail body. I waited for another hour in the waiting area. Then the doctor came to me.

"We managed to save him. He will stay here for a week or two. Then we will send him to therapy." I was so glad. I started tearing up with tears of joy. So many emotions were going through me. I then focused on what he said in the emergency room.

"'You're so gorgeous' Was he saying that to me? Was he seeing things?" I said to myself.

The Lone Hero: An Amourshipping StoryWhere stories live. Discover now