Chapter 3

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"Hey you know we can't just let her go like that, don't you?" Kid Archanid said.

I nodded and webbed her back so that it would be connected with my hands. She stopped then turned on her lightsaber and cut the two webs.
Afterwards she jumped at me to punch me. I jumped back a few metres and looked at her.

'Still can't see her face' I thought.

She jumped at Parker to punch him but he dodged it.
Venom and Kid Archanid got into their fighting position ready to attack, while Parker and I stood there.
I didn't want to fight her, but why?

"Hey I am sorry but i can't let you kill him" he said

The girl crossed her arms and didn't say a word.

"Hey Punk we are just trying to get you not killed!" I said with anger in my deep voice.

                She looked at me.

"You sure you aren't trying to not get killed yourself?" the hooded girl asked.

I put out my stingers in anger.
That girl was really getting on my nerves.

Spidey gave me a short look, which should tell me to retract them again.

"We all know that Ock is a monster, but killing him is not a solution"
I looked at Spidey, because that reminded me of what he said when we first met.

Venom came a bit closer and crossed his arms as well.
"You are not the only one who got hurt by Doc Ock. Look at Scarlet he is one of his experiments as well."

I should kill that punk for saying that.
She doesn't need to know any of what happend to me or who i was.

Spidey gave Venom a weird look but befor he could say something she jumped at Flash and yelled at him

"I. WAS. MADE. TO. KILL. PUNK!" her lightsaber was Underneath his neck ready to cut it off but Parker didn't want to let it end that way so he spoke to her again.
I didn't care if Flash was gonna make it since he was a real pain in the ass.

"Ock may have invented you to kill but you don't have to follow these intentios. You decide what to do not him. And when you kill Venom you would just follow these intentios.
Do you want to be the puppet that Doc Ock sees you as?"

She stepped away from Flash and put her lightsaber away.

"Convincing" she said and turned to Parker.

"We want to help you like we did with Scarlet"

When she heard my name she instantly looked at me and then back at him.

"Why?" was the only thing she said.

"Well because we're heroes we help people EVEN when they do attack us" Miles explained.

"And by the way your leg is hurt punk so you better be grateful" I said while looking at her.

My leg hurts really bad... but i don't trust these guys. But didn't the black-suited guy say something about that Scarlet Spider and that he is a experiment of Ock too? Maybe I should go with them...

"Fine. But i am just going to get medical treatment"

"Great" After Spiderman said that
he looked at his watch and spoke into it. He must've called somebody because just a few moments later a big jet landed i front of us.

Two other spiders walked out of it.
One was in an iron suit and the other one was a girl. They looked at me and asked Spiderman who i was. He told them what had happend tonight and the girl looked at me for a quick moment and then back to her friend.

"Come on we are leaving"

With those words i stepped into the jet and we took off.

I don't like that this girl is here with us in the jet on the way to the academy. She is one of Ocks experiments. Maybe she is a spy just like Scarlet was.

I glanced over to her. She was sitting on my seat. MY SEAT.

Iron Spider sat besides me and gave me a weird look.

"Do you trust her?" he asked

"Eeemm. NO" i replied
He nodded and walked over to Peter.
Both talked a bit. After they had finished Spidey talked to that girl again. I think her name was Twelfe.
'Well weird girl weird Name' I thought.

"We are landing in a bit" Scarlet said.

He was flying but i didn't like the thought of him flying because he was distracted by her. I caught him looking at her like three times.
Maybe he had a crush on that girl.

A few minutes later we finally landed at the academy but when we did  something unexpected happend.

              The alarm went on.

Heeey its mee!
Sorry if that Chapter was Bad, but you know my english isn't that good sooo please have mercy with me again and i will see you very very soon

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