Chapter 15

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,,Eleven" Spiderman said Jumping from the ceiling on the floor again.
,,What are you doing here?" he asked.

,,Saving your asses" i responded.
The other spiders came closer and chatted something with 'abnormal activities' with each other.

,,How could you even defeat the guards?"

They stopped talking and looked at me or at each other in confusion.

I asked a bit concerned
,,You havent passed them, have you?" 
None of the spiders answered.

'Thats no good'
suddenly i saw a blurry siluette behind Scarlet Spider. I quickly put out a lightsaber while heading towards it and cut off one arm and kicked it against the wall.
Since i know these guards i know their weaknesses that also includes how to make them visible when they are not.
I ran over to the Robot and ram my lightsaber into it's head before it could get back on it's feet again.

The spiders just stood there in disbelive.

,,I told you I am here to save your asses" i said as i pointed at the robot.

The black Spider walked up to me and spoke to me.
,,Riiight, because we Need to get saved BY YOU from some Tiny robots"

I crossed my arms. I always do that when i get angry or annoyed and right now both were the case.

,,She is right. None of us were warned by our spidersenses and perhaps she knows were the amulet is" Said spiderwoman.

Just when i had thought that Agent Venom would've understood, he came at me again.

,,She could also lead us to these robots and get us killed"
I rolled my eyes and put out my Second lightsaber.
,,You know i could've already killed you if I wanted to. And by the way you can go and find a way outta here yourself now"
After I had said that more guardians appeared. They had swords, chainsaws and some even had circular saws instead of hands.

I turned on my lightsabers and jumped over Spiderman and Archanid Kid so i could see how many there actually were. The entire hallway was full with them. I looked back at where Scarlet stood just to see that that Part of the hallway was also full with these robots was.

I Let out a silent sight before i ran toward them. They are very flexibel and know how to fight. The First One tryied to cut my head into to pieces but before she could i ripped out her arm and slammed it into her face. Then I saw that the spiders had also begun fighting, But it wasn't Really from use because they couldnt finish them off and there were Coming more and more.

'I just need to get into that room. I Leads the other part of the laboratory.
The more hidden One.

The entire time i fought my eyes layed on that door.
I had already given up slicing up the guards so i threw them against the walls with my force.
//This "Force"is just like the Force Jedi have//

The door was free now so i opened it with my handprint.
After that i looked back and saw that the spiders were about to loose.

'Change of Plans' I said to myself while running back and kicking a robot off Kid Archanid.

I pointed at the room behind me.
,,All of you go in there!" i yelled as i slowly began to walk back there.
Most of them nodded and did as they were told.
They tried to destroy as many of them as possible while they were on their Way to the opened door.

The spiders went all in there and I guarded room so that none of the robots could get in. The last One to go in there was Agent Venom, But he was followed by many 12's.

I quickly stepped into the room and closed the door. It was One of these doors wich close very slowly.

,,What are you doing?!" Yelled Ironspider suddenly but i didn't answer.

'That guy will make it. I know that'

Spiderman looked at me and then through the gap in the door.
You could see Agent Venom fighting some 12's and he was quite near to the door and then in the last Seconds in which the door hab left a gap Open, he jumped in the room.

Now we were all gathered in the room.

,,So...what now"? asked Spiderman and nubbed his neck with one hand.

Ugh. Seriously?

I put a hand on my hip.
,,Somewhere here is a hidden way to the actual laboratory" then i started Scanning the room After that hidden door.

They nodded an did The same.

Suddenly Kid Archanid asked 
,,What about the robots?"

,,They can't get in here that easily" i explained.
I touched every Single Part of the wall Because there had to be that stupid door but i couldnt find it.

Two minutes had already passed.
,,You sure this is the right room?" Spiderman asked.
I Faced him and nodded.
The 12's outside Made creeking noises, they probably wanted to cut the door Open.

I looked over at it when i noticed the
desk. It didn't have any dust on it like the other furniture.

'Right. Its not hidden in a wall, it's hidden in the ground'
I ran over to the desk and I could see that Scarlet Spider had the same thought as Me. Together we pushed the desk aside and revealed the hidden way in the ground.

,,So who wants to go first" I asked

Yaaaas they found a Way out...this Part of the lab, But will they be able to find their Way out of the other Part and then the Part After this and then the Part After the Part After the part  and the Part After the part after that one and the other one as well. Who knows?

Well seems like you would have to read the other Chapter as well to find out  that mistery.  Hehe vieeeeews yay.

Anyways i hope you enjoyed and pls let me know down below in the Comment section what i should improve. Thanks ~
See ya ma dudes

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