Chapter 9

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I was laying on my bed. It was around 1 or 2 am and i couldnt sleep.
My arms were crossed under my head while I looked at the ceiling.

2 weeks ago the Web-Warriors and I met Eleven, the latest project of Ock.

She saved me from getting killed by Ock that night. Since then she lives here at Shield. I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing because some days ago i started to feel strange.
If it's because of her or something else i am not quiet sure.

We havent talked much but the few times we did... it ... it felt good.
I told her things i would never tell the others. But the most strange thing about it is that i normally don't act this way. I'm not talkative nor do i trust people easily but with her .... I don't know.

I sat up and rubbed the back of my neck.

'She's often on my mind lately.
But why?'

I thought about that for a couple of minutes but then I had enough and jumped out of my bed and walked out the room.

The training room was my destination. I would always go there to clear my head or when i need to cool off a bit. This time it was both.

"Any last words you punk?!" i yelled as i turned on my lightsaber.

"Haha you think i came alone, my dear?"
He pointed at a shadow coming out of an alley.

When it had finally reached the light of the street latern i pulled out my second lightsaber.

Yes i do have another one.

Because what better who is saw was dangerous. Very dangerous.

Task Master

'Wasn't it enough for him to break into Shield academy 2 weeks ago and try to kidnap me?'

I got into my fighting position and shortly after that he attack me and we ended up in a fight.

Ock just stood there watching us from the distance with a devilish smile.

'Why would he be smiling?
Task Master is about to loose'

For my final move i punched him in the face making his mask break.
His mask broke completly and under it was Spidermans mask.
He looked at me while standing up again. When he stood, the other spiders came out of the shadows.

"What is this?" I asked and looked at Octavius.

"Your friends"

I looked back at the Web-Warriors ,who had come closer, when i noticed that one specific Spider was missing.

"I do not wanna fight you" I said and held my hands in the air but they had nothing else to do than attacking me.

I dodged their every move and tried to take care of Ock.
It was more difficult than i thought because they were really strong.

Then i somehow.... lost it and drilled through Spiderman's chest.

When i saw what i had done i fell to the ground and closed my eyes with the hope to wake up from that nightmare again.

"Give in. Give in to your true nature.
You are a monster and you will never have friends nor people who do love you. You my dear were made to kill!" Ock said.

I looked up and he was standing in front of me. I was filled with anger and hit my fist on the street before i threw that punk to the ground.
Then i stuck one lightsaber into his chest but in the next moment it was Scarlet who had drilled my sword into his chest.

"Why would you kill me?" he asked

I fell back on the ground and looked at him.

"Why would you kill me?" he repeted himself.

I didn't answer.


I buried my hands into my hair and sqeezed my eyes together.

'What is this' I asked myself as a tear role down my cheek.

"Please stop" i said quietly still having my eyes sqeezed together.

He didn't stop.

So i started to scream and lost control of my powers. The street cracked and the lights of the laterns flickered.

In the next moment i opened my eyes again and was serounded by complete darkness.
I quickly sat up and saw MJ laying in her bed.

'I am at Shield academy? So it was all just a stupid dream'

Relifed about that i noticed a tear Rolling down my cheek. I wiped it away, jumped out of bed and walked into the hallway.

Heyoooo it's meeeee your beloved Writer! 🤗
How you all doing i Hope Great.
I have holidays now so i will try to uploade more.
And just asking do you think that i should do such a chapter again, i mean with dreams? Comment down below pls.
Well anyways i will see you very very soon

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