Chapter 17

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'I cant believe we actually found the amulet. This is ...this is just awesome.
I can finally see my mum again. Hugging her is what i miss the most.
Sure i got my friends here and they're always there for me, but still thats not the same as if i had my mother by my side'

I shed a small tear as I thought about how we would reunite soon again.

Right now we were in the spiderjet again, flying back to the academy.
We were all quite exhausted. This mission was was harder than anyone had imagined it to be. We made it, but it was a suuuuuper close call. If it hadnt been for her we would be dead meat by now. She ...Eleven helped us out. She helped us with these robots and found the amulet. Although i wonder how she did that she meditated or something similar to that.

I leaned Back into my seat and looked over to the pilots. Scarlet was flying again and Spidey was the co-pilot.
As always.
But this time it was different Scarlet would glance at the Back of the jet a couple of times. He didnt turn uround bit looked into the board computer, but since it was turned off he used it as a mirror to watch her.

'He gotta has to have a crush on her'

I started looking at the floor again. Then i had enough courage to look up again just to se everyone watching me.
I didnt know what to say...

Then i finally found the right words.
,,Guys..thank you for helping me. Thanks for doing this risky mission.
It really means a lot to me."
Mj placed a hand on my shoulder pulling me closer and hugging me to comfort me. She could tell, that i was struggeling a bit with my "speech".
But that didnt keep me from carrying on.
,,And thank you Eleven. Without your help we wouldnt have made it."
Her only response was, that she nodded into my direction before she stood up and walked to Spidey and Scarlet. She leaned onto the board computer and for a short period of time i could see her looking at Ben.

'Whats up with these two?'

Well as much as i would love to know whats going on between those two I am way to happy to be able to concentrate on them.

We landed and everyone got out of the jet. Most wished eachother a good night since it was midnight, but i wasnt going to sleep. Too much on my mind. I wished she would just get out of there.
Yesterday she told me she liked me.
'Why did something in me..feel glad about her saying that? Why would i care about her saying that?'
I still had so many questions crossing my mind that i didnt even notice that only Parker, Mj and I were on the landing platform. We entered the Acadamy together, but both were heading to their rooms now.
'I should probably do the same' I thought to myself, but still i couldnt.

,,With her on my mind - impossible." I wispered to myself.

'Wont close an eye tonight...again' that thought made me roll my eyes again.
I hate it. I hated the fact that somebody would give me sleepless nights.
'But there is something about her ...
When i was on top of her and she wispered in my ear that she would do anything a want, did she really mean that? Was it that chip, that made her say that? Why am i even thinking about this right now?'
While thinking about her I went to my room, but then i decided not to go cuz I wanted some fresh air. The roof was my Destination now and on my way there I met her.
She gave me a short look then walked past me.

I wasnt pleased with her actions and grabbed her by her arm so she had to stop. Then she looked at me. Quickly i let go of her. Now we just stood there facing eachother in silence.
I stepped closer i dont know why but it just happened...
Now we were only milimeters apart and because we were so close she pulled on her hood so it couldnt reveal her face.

I then finally broke the silence.
,,You told me you would do anything I want you to, right?"
'Why did I ask her that???'

While I stepped Back she answered my question.
,,Yeah, thats right." She came closer and closer so i backed away.

,,Hm scared of a girl?"


,,Right." She answered and crossed her arms.

Ugh. That girl started to make me angry.
So i fired back at her.

,,Why should i be scared of someone, who is scared of showing how they look?"
By now we had reached the roof where a slight briese was.
Eleven didnt react to my words.
'Maybe i was too hard on her. I was just like her. I didnt mean to hurt her, but somehow she made me angry, but it wasnt because she gave me sassy answers - no i actually liked it - it was
Because I cared about her. I dont want that. I Think I need to talk with May about that' As I was drowned in thoughts I got interrupted.

,,Yeah you're right."
And then she jumped off the roof and was gone.
'Shit what did I just do? I couldve had a normal conversation, but no I just had to ruin it. Should I go After her?
No...I should Talk with May first.'
I stayed on the roof for a few Minutes longer. I had to sort some things out.
All I knew right now was that she made me vulnarable and for that I hated her.

Hey hope u liked the chapter i kinda got some new ideas, but I am afraid u wont like them😅
However i will try to upload more chapters in the coming weeks.
Hope u are all doing well so far and that u stay At home

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