Chapter 11

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I froze. It was unexpected.
Just a Moment ago we were fighting and now she is hugging me.
I'm sure it has something to do with her crying before. Is she sti-

I looked down at her. Her face was burried in my chest so i couldnt see if she was still crying.

'Ugh Why do i even care? I can't see her face because of the hood anyways, so how do i even wanna know if she is crying? But it seems like she would need somebody. Somebody to cheer her up. Do I want to be the one to do that?'

I stared at the wall behind her, still not hugging her. The thing is I have never hugged someone before.
Aunt May hugged me one time but I didn't return it. That's not what I do.

My eyes fell back on her, in fact, on her hood. I noticed that she had never taken it off before, but why?

'Heh maybe she got a scar just like me in her face' I thought to myself joking.
'As much as I do want to pull it down, I wont. I respect it just like the others respected that i didn't want to show them my true identity until the day where May took it off'

My hand wandered from her hood to her back and i did something i would usually never do. I hugged her.

When I did that she looked up at me and I at her. And then again I saw her eyes. They were glowing in a light blue. Then i somehow got lost in them.
Although she couldnt see mine, she was still starring at them.

I was walking into the Training room's spectator place with Peter when i saw two figures downstairs in the training room.

//Authors Note: Spectator place is like a balcony in the training room from which you can see the people training when you look down.
You can't see when someone is in the spectator place from downstairs.
It is seperated from the training room with really thick glas//

I couldnt believe my eyes, when I had gotten closer. It was Scarlet and...wait Eleven? They were starring at eachother. I stopped what Peter noticed and looked at the Two.

He suddenly asked "Hey MJ what's wrong?" and turned back to me.

Wait he hasnt seen them? That's good because when Scarlet knows, that Pete and I know that he had gotten really Close to her than he would probably kill us. And what would New York do without Spiderman?

"Ehmm you know what tiger, how about we go and train another time?"

He looked at me in confusen but then turned around again. When he saw the two  hugging his eyes widened and he froze.

'Oh boy. Ben's gonna kill us'

Pete still stood paralysed and watched them. So I walked over to him and punched him in the shoulder.

"Ouu what was that for?" he asked while rubbing his shoulder.

I took him by his arm and said "Come on tiger, give'em some space"
And with that we walked out again.

We were still looking at each other.
I don't know why but it felt like someone was watching us. Since I couldnt see anybody i threw that thought away.

I focused on Scarlet again. He hugged me which let me feel safe.
After my nightmare i had to make sure somehow that he wasn't an illusion nor another dream. Best way to do it was to give him a hug.
And now I don't want to let him go and it seems like he would be feeling the same.

I looked down again at his chest with my arms still around his neck.
Then suddenly something was beeping. I looked were it came from and my eyes stopped at his wrist.
It was his watch.
Scarlet looked down at his watch and then at me, like he would be waiting for me to say something.

"You should probably answer it" I sad and released myself from the hug.

After that he nodded and answered the call. I just heard him saying
"What's up Parker?" while walking away.

I answered the call and  saw Spiderman on the watch. He told me to come into the briefing room on floor 13.

"The others are already here" was the last Thing he said before he hung up.

'Finally'  I thought and saw that she was already gone. I wanted to talk with her but she had already left the room before i could even speak with her. Well that has to wait now.

I webbed my way to the briefing room and opened the door.
All the other Web-Warriors sat gathered at the big table. I took a Seat and listened to Spiderman, what he had to say. He called us on a short term  I hope he has a good reason.
I crossed my arms and leaned back while Parker began talking.

"Thanks for Coming although it was on a short term. The reason i called you is that-"

"We are going to bring my mother here"

Hey a new chapter....
I am sorry that it isn't so good Today because
1. I didn't reread it to correct my grammer mistakes because i actually hate reading cringy stuff (scarletxeleven)
2. Like i said I didn't reread it because i hate cringy stuff and because i hate cringy stuff I am not Good at writing it
3. I had no Clue what i should write After Scarlet returned the Hug

So yeah I am reaaaaaaaally sorry about that *...cough..cough Crap cough cough*
Anyways please correct me and gave Mercy with my Bad english and I will see you very very soon

Experiment 11  |              Scarlet SpiderWhere stories live. Discover now