chapter 23

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Spiderman PoV
The next morning I woke up quite early because I had to talk with Cho about how we open the portal to Miles' dimension. He only told me that he couldn't open the portal himself since the amulet was a magical artifact .

,,And what are we supposed to do now? We cant just walk up to Miles and tell him that we couldnt get his mother into our dimension." You could hear the dispair and frustration in my voice.
'We just need someone with magical powers ...'

But then I found a solution for our problem. ,,Doctor Strange!"

Cho gave me a weird look and raised his eyebrow. ,,Do you think he likes you after you almost destroyed his entire book collection of mystic books?"

I rubbed the back of my neck in embarressment. He was right, sadly.
Last time I paid doctor strange a visit I opened a book with the inscription ,,Cautions: Underworld of the dead". That got me curious so I ended up opening it. And of course as soon as I had opened the book the undead tried to escape into our world, the world of the living. Then Strange and I had to fight them causing a lot of damage in his library.

,,So we gonna ask him for help now or what?"

Cho and I got startled by the deep voice behind us only to find out that Ben was here and apparently he overheard our conversation. As usal he stood there in his signature pose.

,,Well it's the only choice we got left. Dunno how much you heard Scarlet but  apparently it's way more difficult to build this dimensional bridge than we thought. We need someone with magical powers."

,,Wait what about Eleven? She seems to be-"

Ben raised his eyebrow.
,,You actually think should would help us?" The grip around his arm had thightened again.

'What's with them? I thought they would get along well since they were both projects from Ock. But it seems like Ben hates her. Why would he hate her? Well she isnt much of a talker but so is he as well'

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to my left to see who it was and MJ was standing there.

,,Don't overthink it tiger. I am sure they will get along one day." A slight smile appeared on her face.

,,How did yo-" She kissed me on the lips.

MJ giggled. ,,I am your girlfriend after all I should know what's going on in that little head of yours."

I smiled at her but as quick as my smile had appeared it had vanished.
'Wait why would she say that out loud. We didnt want the other to know about us'
Confusion was written all over my face until the girl on my left explained herself.

She twisted my head in the direction, in which they boys stood. 'No wait what-'

,,Wait- When- Why ... H-How?"

,,They left after Scarlet said that he had to do something." She removed her hand from my chin and walked towards the door. Before she left she turned around again with a develish smile on her face.
,,You really are a bad listener. I don't know how you are still the leader if the Web-Warriors." After she was finished with insulting me I used my webs to pull her closer to me. Our faces were only milimeters apart and MJ closed her eyes, expecting me to kiss her.
I leaned in but instead of kissing her I wispered something into her ear.

,,Yeah. Keep on insulting me and I will let you have to train with Nova for the next three days."

I distanced myself from her again to look her in the eyes.

,,F-fine." Was the only response I got before she walked away.
Well she tried.
,,Haha nice attempt but we aren't done yet." Again I pulled her closer to me, using my webs and then I kissed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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