CHAPTER 13: I'm Going Home.....

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I feel embarrassed and ashamed. I feel like hiding and running away to somewhere far away but I know that Max will find me. 

When I woke up this morning, my head was hurting a little bit and unfortunately, I know why I feel this way.......I lost control.

"Are you okay baby?" I hear Max ask as he places his hand on my shoulder. 

I look over at him and then quickly look away as I feel that he shouldn't look at me. He must think I'm a psycho. 

"Yeah." I reply quietly to him. 

"It's okay. everything is okay." He tries and assure me. 

"No." I started shaking my head while fighting back some tears. "It won't. I never should have lost control like that. It's just, when that necklace came off, all of a sudden, my worst fear happened. I lost control and I hurt someone." I began to cry even more. 

"Look at me." Max says while cupping the side of my face and having me face him. "That guy that you hurt, that was because you had actually helped save me. I wasn't sure what was going to happen and you helped me." He says while looking deeply into my eyes. 

"I'm a monster. How could you want to be with me after that?" I asked him. 

"You're not a monster. If anything, you're bad ass." He chuckles. "The guys even think you are, especially after hearing about what happened." 

I start to laugh a little bit. 

"I have to try and contact that woman from the shop. I need another necklace." I tell him. 

The look on his face made me worried soon after mentioning the woman. 

"Tori..." He started but seemed to be hesitant in telling me. "I haven't been able to get a hold of her." 

"We need to go and see her, now." I tell him as I start to get up to get dressed. 

"Tori calm down." He says as he quickly gets up and tries to stop me. 

"Please, she's the only one that I trust who can help us. Your uncle hasn't contacted us, right?" I asked. 

"Right, but..." He began to protest but I stopped him. 

"Max, rather you go with me or not, I'm going to see her." I tell him with certainty. 

He looks at me for a moment and then lets go of my arms and lets me finish getting dressed before we head out. 

On our way over, Max made sure that Reece and a few of his Delta's came with us for extra protection just in case. I swear, I felt like he was the leader of a mob or something. 

After getting out of the car, we noticed the door was unlocked and as we walked in I looked around and things seemed to look normal. However, I also happen to be a sensitive and know that something is wrong. So I start calling out to the lady but she doesn't respond. I continue to walk around some more and Max tells me to be careful. 

When I get to the back room where we went into last time, I notice the door is halfway opened and I slowly begin to open it up and the entire room seems to have been trashed. Things are all scattered and broken all over the room. Then I see laying on the floor is her, moaning a little bit in pain. 

"Oh my god. MAX!" I cry out. 

He comes running into the room. 

"What is it?" He stops when he see's her body. 

"She's still breathing, get some help." I cry to him but I hear her tell me, 'no'. 

"Listen to me." She begins telling me breathlessly. "Your aunt and his uncle..." She stops to cough. "They are both in danger and they are coming for you. You must return back home." She tells me. 

"What? No, I can't." I cry to her. 

"You have to. You have the only ability that can help fight against what is coming. He's the strongest of our kind and has to be destroyed. You both have to leave, now and take the bag I gave you. Inside is also a note that tells what each stone and item in there does." She tells me as she gasps her last couple of breaths. 

"No, no, no." I begin to cry as I cry holding her closer to me. 

"Come on, we need to go." I hear Max tell me as he grabs my arm to try and help me up. 

I continue to cry and he has to pry me off of her. 

"I can't leave her." I begin. 

"We have to go, NOW!" He says more assertively. 

We both get up and begin running outside to the car and while driving back to the house, I can't help but think about what she just told me. I'm trying to make sense of it all but can't. 

"We need to leave tonight." I tell him. 

"I know, my uncle mind-linked me half an hour ago telling me we needed to leave." He tells me. 

"Well we need to go back home." I tell him. 

"That's where we're going, home, to pack." He says as he continues speeding down the roads. 

"No, I mean, back to my home. The place I lived before I killed my parents." I tell him with all these flood of emotions coming over me. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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