CHAPTER 14: Atlantes

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It feels a little bit like everything is happening so fast but I guess we don't really have much of a choice. I haven't heard anything from my uncle yet and am getting worried. 

I quickly pack a duffel bag and then put my bag in the car before heading back upstairs to grab Tori's bags as well. 

When I get to the bedroom and open up the door, I notice her on the bed, looking down at the purple velvet drawstring bag as she wipes a couple of tears that have just escaped from her eyes. 

"You alright?" I ask. 

"Yeah. I'll be okay, I think." She replies. "It's just that, everything seems to be happening so fast and you and I both just started getting along with each other, not to mention also finding out that I'm your mate. Then now this." She shakes her head in disbelief as she traces light circles with her finger over the bag. 

"It's going to be okay baby." I promise her and kneel down in front of her while taking both her hands in mine. 

"It's just it seems like I can't catch a break. Like the universe is punishing me over and over again for what I did to my parents. It feels almost like I don't deserve to have anything good, any happiness." She sniffles. 

"Aww baby that's not it. Look at me." I tell her as I cup the side of her face while looking into her eyes. "What happened with your parents was an accident and not your fault at all. You have to understand that. Plus, I will teach you ways in how to control your anger so that you don't have to be afraid anymore. The abilities you have are gifts not the curses you think they are. They can only be bad things if you use them in that way." I try to reassure her. 

She smiles a little at me before looking back down at the bag. 

"The things that she put in here before are no longer in here. The stones are different and there are more things that have seemed to appear." She tells me. 

"Like what?" I ask. 

Then before she can say anything else, we hear the door open and see it's Reece who has come to let us know that we need to hurry up. So I take her hand and the two bags she packed and we start running down the steps, out into the car and on our way to the airport. Which it might have been better to fly in a private plane but my uncle took ours and there were no other ones available, so we just got several seats for first class to take us to England. 

"I am so tired." I hear Tori tell me as she lays her head onto my shoulder. 

"Go to sleep." I kiss her on the top of her head and put a blanket that one of the stewardesses gave us over her as she closed her eyes and drifted off into a nice deep sleep. 

It was a couple of hours into the flight and since Tori had fallen asleep when I start to hear her mumble something. I look down at her and notice she's still sleeping, which I have not seen her ever talk in her sleep before.

I try and listen to what she's saying but I don't understand until I hear her begin to cry louder and louder 'NO!' several times. That's when I try and wake her up. 

"NO! NO! NO!" 

"Baby wake up, it's alright." I tell her as I gently shake her by the arms to wake her up and after a few moments, she opens her eyes and jolts up in her seat and starts looks around until she see's me. 

"Oh my god, Max." She begins to cry into my chest. 

"Shhh, it's okay baby, I'm right here. It was all just a nightmare." I try and soothe her while stroking her hair. 

"No, you don't understand, I have never had this kind of a dream before." She says worried. 

"What was it about?"

"My parents and that day they died. I've had many dreams about that day before but this one, this one was different. There was someone else inside the room through the flames with me." She began. 

"Do you know who it was?" 

"No. I had never seen them before but, I do know that it was a man, he was very tall, skinny, had dark hair, several piercings along with a dark goatee that came to a point with red at the tip. His eyes were black, he wore a dark red suit and although he had perfect teeth, his grin looked evil." 

"What do you mean evil? Like the devil or?" I asked confused. 

"No. The energy I felt coming from him was dark and it almost seemed as though he was half demon half sorcerer of the dark magic." She finishes. 

"Well, there are demons, do you think he could have been one of them and was trying to tell you something or...." I tried to think about why she had that dream and what it could have meant but she stopped me before I could continue. 

"Wait a minute." She says as though she's suddenly realizing something while rummaging through her backpack and quickly taking out a journal and sketching out what the dream looked like. She did it so fast that I wasn't sure I could see what it was until she was finished and even she leaned back in her seat in shock and was horrified. 

"What, what is it?" I asked. 

"Atlantes." She says under her breath. 

"Who's that?" 

"He's half demon and half sorcerer. He's practically undefeated. Legend has it that he was awakened two thousand years ago and has been waiting for the perfect witch to be born so that he could....." She then stops and looks straight ahead at the back of the seat in front of her. 

"What?" I ask her scared. 

"So that he could.....Possess."

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)  Not that possessions aren't naturally bad already, but to be possessed by ones like Atlantes, it's a lot harder to prevent from happening. :/ :(

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