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Louis' sitting in his dorm trying his best to focus on his essay that's due in two days, but he just can't. How could he when that stupid white business card is taunting him from where he left it on his desk when he got home yesterday? He definitely should not have kept it. It's not like he's ever going to use it.

Louis decides that the only way he'll be able to focus is if he throws it away. So he does. He walks the few feet from his bed to his desk and takes the card and throws it in his tiny trash can.

There, it's gone.

Even though it's still in the room, throwing the card out seemed to help because Louis' able to get most of his essay done before Niall gets back. Niall usually distracts him and sadly, he can't just throw Niall in the trash can and forget about him.

Just as every other day, Niall unlocks the door with his room key and walks inside. He throws his bag on the bed and then flops face first right next to it. He groans unnecessarily loud and then flips over so he's staring at the ceiling.

"Rough day?" Louis asks, quite amused. Knowing he might as well close his books now because he won't get any more actual work done.

"Yes, very," Niall answers and then sits up on his bed. "I think we should go get food."

"I can't afford fast food, Niall. You go ahead but my options are Ramen noodles, Ramen noodles, and oh yeah, Ramen noodles."

Niall groans even louder this time. "You really should become a stripper. Then you can buy me McDonald's every day."

"If I became a stripper I'd be using the money to pay off my student loans, my car bill, and saving up for a flat," Louis says as he puts his books and laptop back in his book bag.

"Would you ever actually consider being one? Like for real?" Niall asks as he starts to get up and grab his key again.

"Maybe, if things got bad enough. Honestly, if I can't find a way to make some extra cash, I might actually have to consider it," Louis says half-jokingly.

"Well it can't be that bad, it's just dancing right?"

"Niall, are you encouraging me to become a stripper?"

Niall shrugs and opens the door to leave and go to the little cafe that the school has, before he shuts it he says, "Let's just say I'm not not encouraging you." Then he shuts the door without saying anything more.

Louis thinks about it. Niall actually seemed serious. He couldn't have been though, could he of? Does stripping really not sound like a bad idea to him?

Even if he were to become a stripper he's not really worried about the whole showing off your body thing because he's got enough confidence to not really care, he's just worried about getting hurt. What if some creepy old guy tries feeling him up or something? Then again, there's probably some sort of security guards, right?

Even if stripping isn't always the best option everyone knows how much money strippers make. Louis would definitely make enough to be able to keep his car. Also, he takes afternoon classes so it's not like he needs to be up early which means staying out late won't be an issue.

Wait. Is he really considering this? Wow, he must be super desperate.

That's the thing though, he is super desperate. He wasn't kidding when he told Niall that if he can't pick up some extra hours or something else to make more cash, he's screwed.

The problem with that is he has classes and he already works almost every day of the week from 7 am to 2 pm so unless he wants to start working third shift which is 11 pm to 7 am meaning he'd be working all morning and all night and then taking classes in the afternoon, he can't really ask for another shift.

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