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Lately Louis' mood has been really good. He doesn't know exactly why but he thinks maybe it has something to do with Harry because really, that's the only thing in his life that has changed.

Last Wednesday when he went to practice he didn't even dance. He spent the whole time talking to Harry about random things. When he came home Niall got so annoyed because he kept going on and on about him. Louis doesn't really care though. He hasn't met anyone new in so long so having Harry around is nice and worthy of being talked about.

Louis thinks that maybe after this Wednesday, next time he goes to practice he'll ask Harry to do something outside of the club. It doesn't have be fancy or anything but maybe they could just go drinking or something. He could even invite Liam, Zayn, and Niall to come because then it wouldn't feel as personal. All of that is for next time, though.

At this point Louis has just made it part of his weekly schedule for practice to be on Wednesdays. He's pretty sure Harry knows that too so hopefully that means he's at the club on those days on purpose.

Sadly, it's really cold out today. Louis doesn't really mind cold weather, he'd much rather be too cold than too hot but it's obviously still an uncomfortable feeling. It's also super gloomy out and that's always the worst because he never feels like doing anything on days like this. Oh well, dealing with the cold for a few seconds is worth it when right after he gets to see Harry.

When he gets to the club he practically runs from his car to the door trying to get inside where it's warm as fast as he can. He almost slips on a puddle in the parking lot but thankfully he doesn't. Once he's inside he sets his things down and rubs his arms to create some heat, and then brings his sweatshirt sleeves to his cheeks and just holds them there.

"It's that cold out?" Harry asks as he walks out from his office.

"Yes. It's freezing out."

"Oh, it must've gotten colder 'cause it wasn't that bad when I came earlier."

"Yeah well it's not warm at all anymore." Louis sits on the bar stool next to the one he set his bag on. He unzips it and then pulls out the sweatshirt Harry gave him. "Here. Thanks for letting me borrow it. Oh, and I washed it for you."

Harry takes the sweatshirt and folds it over his arm. "Thanks."

"Yeah. So not that it really matters to you but I can't make it on Saturday because I really have to study," Louis says with a frown. He hates that he can't make it but he's been slacking in some of his classes and he needs to start doing better.

Louis thinks he sees Harry frown a little bit he's not so sure. "Oh okay, that's fine," Harry says.

Louis' still very cold and he's trying really hard not to shiver. He can't help but to keep his arms tightly wrapped around himself. He assumes that his discomfort is quite obvious.

"You're still cold?" Harry asks when he notices the way Louis' still hugging himself.

"Mhm," Louis hums, so cold he doesn't even want to talk. It's crazy because it's not even that cold out. It's only November.

"Well...I'm uh, I have to go to the bank so maybe, if you want, I can stop and get you hot chocolate or something," Harry offers.

"Really?" Louis lights up. Is Harry really offering to go out of his way so that he can be comfortable? "Are you sure? You don't have to, I'll be fine."

"It's okay, really. It's not far from the bank and you've gotten me stuff before so I kinda owe you anyway."

Louis feels bad. He knows he really shouldn't because it's not like hot chocolate cost that much and Harry said he's not really going out of his way so it's not that big of a deal, but still.

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