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On the day of Louis' birthday, Harry can't seem to get his shit together. He made sure he picked Louis' gifts up, he bought extra snacks, he made sure that everything was perfect, and it is, but for some reason Harry's still psyching himself out about this.

He knows Louis would get excited about anything he has planned for him but Harry's still not totally satisfied with it. Then again, he could probably give Louis the world and he still wouldn't feel it was enough.

Louis' coming over around six because he's having dinner with Niall before Niall has to leave for his flight back home, so that means Harry only has a half an hour before he gets here.

He makes sure that everything is in place which really just means that he has Louis' presents wrapped and placed neatly on the table. He's not really sure what they're going to do, probably watch a movie and eat snacks but Harry hopes that maybe, because Louis did most of the work last time, he'll get a chance to return the favour.

After about twenty minutes of frantically walking around the house to make sure everything is in place, as if Louis hasn't already came over before, Harry decides to just sit down and wait.

It feels like centuries before Louis finally texts him and says he's on his way. He knows Louis' school, where the dorms are obviously at, are about fifteen minutes away give or take depending on traffic, so he does one last check of everything.

When his door bell rings Harry anxiously hurries to the door, taking a breath and then opening it. Louis' of course the one standing there and Harry notices that he has a small box in his hand that's wrapped in wrapping paper.

"What's that for?" Harry asks after he lets Louis in and leads him to the living room.

"Your Christmas present..." Louis says as if it's the most obvious thing.

"Oh, why'd you get me something? You shouldn't have."

Louis sets the box on the coffee table. "Well I did and I'm not taking it back so just accept it."

"Fine, hold on." Harry leaves Louis in the living room as he runs into the kitchen and grabs the two gifts for him. "Here," Harry says, setting the boxes down next to the one Louis brought.

"You want me to open them now?"

"Yeah, why wait?"

"Okay," Louis says, sitting on the couch along with Harry.

Harry hands Louis the bigger box first. "Okay, if you don't like either one of them tell me."

"I'll like it," Louis says, very sure of his words.

"Well open it before you say that."

Harry nods at the present so Louis tears the paper off until he's left with a simple cardboard box. He opens it up and gives a fond smile when he sees the fluffy blanket and fuzzy socks inside. He pulls them out and runs his hands over the blanket.

"Aww, thank you, they're so nice."

"I'm glad you like it, but that's not the important one." Harry hands Louis the much smaller box. He doesn't tell Louis this, but he's so scared that he won't like what's inside.

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