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It's been a few days and Louis, Zayn, and Liam still aren't talking. Louis' not too upset by his friends' reaction, but he's just going to wait in case they get even more mad when he brings it up. Louis knows that they'll come around at some point, they'd never let something like this ruin their friendship.

"Hey, are you planning on going to the club this Friday?" Niall asks Louis.

Louis eats one more fry and then answers, "I was yeah, I don't have to, though. Why?"

Niall crumples up his McChicken wrapper and tosses it on the tray their food came on that's sitting in the middle of their table. "Well we haven't hung out in a while and I was planning on buying the new FIFA and thought maybe you'd like to hang out."

"Oh," Louis says, as he too puts his trash on the tray. "Yeah, sure. I'll just go on Saturday."

They both get up and Niall throws the garbage away. "You don't have to if you would rather work. I won't be like, offended or anything."

"No really, I've got enough to take one night off trust me. Honestly I could take more than one night off."

After getting into the car Niall continues the conversation as they drive back to the dorms. "You really make that much?"

"Yeah, the least I've made in one night is three hundred."

"What?! That's crazy bro, I make less than that in one week." Niall tells Louis.

"Well you work at Nando's flipping burgers, I on the other hand sell my body. Don't be too disappointed in yourself," Louis says dryly.

"I thought you didn't care about that? You told me it was your choice so it's not degrading."

"I don't mind, I'm just saying. In society it's far more frowned upon to be a stripper than a fast food worker."

"I guess that's true, I really don't think I'd care what society thought if the lowest amount I made a night was three hundred, honestly," Niall says as they pull into the school's student parking area.


When they get up to the room Louis decides he might as well study. Thankfully most of his classes he's interested in, so it's not hard to pay attention but there's a couple that are so boring he can never remember a single thing the professor says. He has to make sure stripping doesn't cause his grades to slip because then his mum will get suspicious, and he really doesn't need to be telling her about his new job. Yes, his mum still checks his grades.

He only studies for about two hours before he uses his phone for a calculator and somehow ends up on Instagram. It's funny how that works.

Tomorrow's Friday and lately his Fridays have been very long. He has classes from 2 pm until 5 pm and then usually around 10-12 pm he goes and dances for a couple of hours. It's okay because he doesn't have any classes on Saturday so he's able to sleep as long as he wants in the morning, but it's still tiring. That's why this Friday with Niall will be a nice break from work. Also, Niall's right, they haven't properly hung out in so long and Louis will not let his job come before his friends.

For the rest of the day Louis tries to plan out the following week. He wants to make sure he gives himself enough time to go to his classes, study, go shopping, go to work, and then hopefully still have time to himself.

Louis thought quitting, or rather being fired, from Tesco would make his schedule easier, but really it's about the same. When he stays up almost all night he wants to sleep all morning which is fine unless he has important things he needs to do. It's not too stressful, though, and as long as he keeps planning things out he should be okay.

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