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As the week goes on Louis only gets more and more upset about what Harry said. He knew that they weren't super close but he thought Harry at least cared a little...but now he's not really sure about that at all.

Maybe he does, but wouldn't it be a little more obvious if he did? Louis really doesn't know how much more of this he can take. He knows he's dramatic but he always has been. It even took him a long time to truly believe that Niall likes him.

He's not sure why he's always doubted that people actually want to be around him but he thinks maybe it has to do with his past. His dad left and never gave an explanation which, subconsciously, probably lead Louis to believe that he wasn't good enough for anyone if even his own father didn't want him.

It's been almost three weeks since he last talked to Harry and he misses it so much. It's so bad that he'll physically start hurting if he thinks about it too much. Ever since the beginning he's always had strong feelings for Harry and by now, he cares about him just as much as Niall, Liam or Zayn. Harry's apart of his life and there's no way he's able to just forget about it and move on like this isn't breaking his heart more and more each day.

He feels kind of pathetic honestly. Harry most likely doesn't care about this at all and here he is moping around, torturing himself by going over every possible reason Harry wouldn't want him around anymore. He doesn't even just miss Harry's company he misses Harry.

He misses how Harry could make him smile by doing the simplest things, or how Wednesday is—well was—his favourite day of the week. He just misses everything about him.

And now...he's sat in the locker room of the club after dancing, even though everyone else has left, and he's pretty sure even Harry has too. He stayed because he just started thinking about the times when he helped Harry clean and how fun that was. It was a stupid idea but he decided to stay and hope that Harry left the mess for tomorrow so he could be the one to clean it.

He has his key with him, he always does and it's not because he needs to get into the club it's because it reminds him of Harry and carrying it around is such a bittersweet feeling he's not quite ready to give up yet, but the point is that he'll be able to lock up after he leaves.

Louis' almost positive that Harry's already left because if he hadn't he'd probably already be out cleaning and he would hear him. Louis has already changed so after taking a deep breath and wiping his eyes that he didn't know were teary until now, he stands up from where he was sitting on the floor leaned up against the wall, and walks out of the locker room.

When he gets out into the main area of the club all of the lights are off except for a couple dim ones above the bar that Harry usually leaves on anyway. Louis makes his way over to the supply closet that he used to associate with good memories, he still does of course, but it's just, now when he thinks about those good times with Harry and how he might not ever have that again, it isn't such a good feeling as it was before.

He grabs the broom and dust pan along with some other things he'll need. It looks like Harry might've picked up most of the trash but everything else is still left to do which Louis is happy about. He starts to sweep, trying hard not to let himself get emotional. He doesn't know why he thought it would make him feel better because now he's just thinking about Harry even more.

He keeps going though, until the entire club is swept and the rest of the trash is picked up and thrown away. He moves onto the bar, having to climb over the door because Noah's obviously not there to open it. He almost trips over it which causes some noise but luckily he makes it over without anything fatal happening.

He starts to wipe down the counter but he stops when he thinks he hears footsteps. It scares him because he was sure he was alone but when Harry's office door opens, relief washes over him. Louis looks over at the disheveled and tired looking Harry that's staring at him with a blank expression.

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