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When Louis gets home, the first thing he does is take out his money bag. He dumps the money out on his bed and then starts to count it. By the time he's done he has £650. He would've had about £700 if it weren't for house pay, but it'll be alright.

He takes the money and hides it in his sock drawer so no one can find it. He trusts Niall but he doesn't trust the people Niall's friends with. They're nice guys but who knows what they'd do if they found that much money just sitting there ready to be easily stolen?

The next morning, well technically afternoon because he woke up at 12 pm, Louis forces himself to get up and go to class. Louis hates school, he always has, really. He can't sit still and he just wants to do what he wants to do. He'll admit, uni is so much better than high school because he's able to choose when he takes his classes and what classes he takes. He needs a degree though, he can't be a stripper forever.

All through his lesson Louis' only able to give half his attention to his professor. The other half is on his job, more importantly his boss. Louis hasn't ever really thought about it before because he was too caught up in worrying about getting hired to notice, but now that he's calmed down a little, he's been thinking about how attractive Harry is. Louis knows it's not good to be crushing on your boss but how couldn't he be? Harry's the definition of hot.

Louis' thought about trying to talk to Harry but that's probably not a good idea. He seems very serious and like he takes his job very seriously, too. Harry doesn't seem like the type to want to be friends with the people working for him.

Louis can't help but want to get to know him, though. For whatever reason to Louis he's so interesting and Louis wants to know what he's really like. Maybe he's one of those people who seem all hard and tough but on the inside they're actually total softies. Louis rarely sees Harry, though. Then again, he has only worked one night so far.

Louis manages to redirect his attention to the class and start taking notes. Harry's still in the back of his mind but for now he's focused on what's written on the board. Sorta.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

On Wednesday night Louis gets to the club and just like before, goes to the locker room to change. Bebe's not here tonight but that's okay. Louis' not too worried about it now. He was so scared that he'd be picked on but it seems like if you just mind your own business everything will be okay.

When it's his turn to dance Louis ends up making about the same amount of money as last time. If he keeps this up he'll be caught up on his car payments in no time. When his "shift" is over Louis goes back into the changing room and puts the sweats he wore before changing into his dance clothes, back on. Once he has everything packed up he leaves. After he opens the locker room door someone gently pulls at his arm. Louis turns around and is met with a pair of green eyes.


"Hi, I just wanted to talk to you and um, make sure everything is going okay and stuff. You're not like, thinking about leaving already right?" Harry asks. He still seems emotionless but Louis can tell there's a hint of real concern behind his words.

"Yeah, everything's great so far. It's a lot easier than I thought it would be, to be honest," Louis answers.

"Okay," Harry says sounding relieved. "Well, if there's any issues just tell me."

"Okay will do," Louis says. Right before he's about to leave Louis adds, "Thanks for checking by the way."

Harry gives the smallest smile possible that only last a split second. "Yep."

With that Louis starts walking to the doors of the club to leave. Except, he's stopped again by someone.

"Bebe?" Louis says once he realizes who's standing in front of him.

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