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"Let's go! Guys, we can't be late," Louis shouts at Noah and Niall who aren't even close to being ready to go yet.

They all decided to get ready at Noah's and Louis assumed that it would only take a little bit but they've been sitting around chatting for the past twenty minutes and now they're probably going to be late meeting Harry at the bar.

"Guys! Are you listening?" Louis asks.

"Lou, chill out. We've got time. It's not until ten," Noah says.

"It's already 9:30 and the bar is like ten minutes away."

"Fine. C'mon," Noah tells Niall who reluctantly gets up and goes to get ready.

They all have already had a few drinks because it's much, much cheaper to just buy beer from the store rather than pay for a lot of drinks at the bar.

Louis decided that they should just take an Uber because none of them were willing to be the designated driver. By the time everyone finishes getting ready, it's already close to ten so Louis orders it an thankfully it comes pretty quickly. All three of them get in and ride the ten minutes it takes to get there.

Once they're at the bar Louis figures he should probably text Harry and tell him, so that they can find each other.

Louis: Hey we just got here we're by the bar area

After a couple minutes Louis' phone dings with the response from Harry.

Harry: Okay I'll be there in like 5 min

Louis gets a bit of butterflies in his stomach because for one, this is the first time they're hanging out somewhere that's not the club and two, he's also kind of nervous that Harry won't like his friends or vise versa. He doesn't really have to worry about Noah much and Niall's cool with almost everyone, so there probably won't be any issues, but still.

After a few minutes pass Louis starts looking around to see if he can find Harry. He doesn't leave his spot because he told him that they would be here, but he scans the areas that he can see. It's way too crowded to be able to find him though, so Louis just waits.

Is not too long after when Louis finally sees him walking over. Harry's dressed just like everyone else is which is semi-fancy but still casual. He has on black skinny jeans which Louis has seen him in multiple times, a light blue button up on, that's only buttoned a little over half way which perfectly displays the silver cross necklace he's wearing. His sleeves are rolled up to just below his elbows which makes it very easy to see his tattoos that for some reason seem ten times more attractive to Louis right now.

"Hey..." Louis says when Harry walks up to him. He tries his best not to check Harry out but he fails and ends up not regretting it one bit because the sight of Harry right now is probably the hottest thing he's seen all week.

"Is that Niall?" Harry asks, looking over to where Noah and Niall are talking.

Louis smiles because Harry remembered his roommate's name even though they've only talked about him a couple times. "Yeah. Him and Noah get along really well which is good."

Harry nods, still looking over at the other boys. "Yeah, Noah's a good guy."

Harry looks back at Louis who hasn't taken his eyes off of the taller one since he arrived. Louis feels like now that he's realised just how much he likes Harry it's impossible for him to talk to him or even look at him without wanting to reach up and kiss him or have Harry hold him. He forces himself to not let Harry figure that out though, because if he did Louis knows it would make things between them fall to pieces and there'd be no way to put them back together.

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