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Okay so trigger warning? What happens isn't very vivid but I suggest that you read with caution. I don't want to say too much but it has to do with sexual assault

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

It didn't take much for Louis to start liking his new job. He went into it with an open mind which made it a lot easier to enjoy it for what it is. Sure, sometimes there are people he dances for that are annoying or a little too grabby but overall it's not what most people think of when they think 'strip club.'

It's not a bunch of pervy guys. It's everyone. There's guys, girls, different ages, different preferences. Most times the social part of it is the best part. It's not all dancing and showing off his body, sometimes he ends up having real conversations with people.

Louis likes that when he does end up talking to someone that he can say whatever and it'll be okay because he'll probably never see that person again. He likes that him and Bebe are good friends now too. Even Noah has become somewhat of a friend. Him and Louis like to act like they annoy each other but they both know it's just a joke. They've had plenty of conversations too.

There's other dancers that Louis' talked to but he hasn't really became more than acquaintances. Yes, Tesco was pretty much talking to people all day but it wasn't about anything. It wasn't social it was just seeing people and taking their money.

Louis has Niall, Liam, and Zayn but he doesn't really see Liam or Zayn very often so it's nice to have more people in his circle that he can interact with.

There's still one more person Louis wants in his circle though, and that's of course, Harry. He's tried to figure it out himself but Louis just can't explain why he's so interested in him. It's like, he doesn't know Harry but...he does? It might sound stupid and honestly, it probably is, but when Louis' around Harry, he feels a connection.

It's not a romantic love connection and Louis' not saying that him and Harry are 'meant to be' but he does think that they'd be good friends and the universe or whatever, knows that. It's just a gut feeling and everyone knows you're supposed to follow those right?

He's made progress for sure, he knows enough about Harry now to get the gist of who he is. Louis so far sees him as a quiet and reserved person who genuinely likes being alone but at the same time, after cleaning with him, Louis has decided that Harry's the type to only open up at certain times or to certain people. He thinks that if Harry trusts someone enough that he'd be a really interesting person.

Harry doesn't seem rude but he does seem like he'd get annoyed if he had to genuinely spend time with someone he doesn't really know or like. That's why Louis' trying to take baby steps. As soon as he gains Harry's trust then he'll be able to get closer to him. After the other night he's pretty sure he's getting much closer to his goal.

Louis finishes his dance and collects all of his money. He gets down from the stage and goes out into the main area. When a dancer is on stage it's hard for people to be able to touch them. The worst anyone could do is grab at Louis' feet. The main area is different though. This is where the booths, tables and couches are.

Most people never do anything that's not appropriate. It's a strip club and the dancers know what they signed up for so a few touches here and there aren't really anything anyone worries about. Now, if someone were to touch one of the dancers and continue touching them after being asked not to, then they'll get kicked out. Unless you pay for a lap dance, you're not allowed to seriously touch any of the strippers. Louis' never had a problem with grabby people, at least not yet.

He walks through the crowd, hoping someone will call him over and ask for a lap dance so he can make extra money. It's usually not hard for Louis to find someone who wants one and tonight isn't any different.

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