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The next week or so, consist of Louis getting more and more comfortable with his new job. He was so scared to give a lap dance at first but he's done it and now he gives one every night he works. He loves the fact that he makes even more money that way.

Louis went back and forth with himself, arguing about if he should try and talk to Harry. He knows it's risky and it's not normal for employees to want to 'get to know' their bosses as more than well, a boss, but Harry just gives Louis this feeling. It's hard to describe, really, it doesn't make him feel like he's in love with Harry, it's not even a romantic feeling at all. It's more like he's just drawn to Harry. Like when you see someone in the store or in the park and they just look really interesting. It's the same as that.

He passes by so many people and doesn't give them a second thought but with Harry, that's not the case. After a lot of thinking Louis decided that he's going to try. If he gets turned down then he'll stop but it's worth a shot.

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During work on Friday night, after his first dance, Louis decides to go and get a drink. It's hard being completely sober and trying to dance as a stripper. When he gets to the bar Louis sees Harry sitting on the very end where no one's at. This is his chance to talk to him. Louis orders his drink and then goes over to Harry who has his own drink sitting on the bar counter next to him.

"Hi," Louis says as he sits on the stool next to Harry.

Harry looks away from the crowd of people he was observing, "Oh, hi, you needed a drink?"

"Yeah, it's easier to give middle-aged men who are tired of their wives, lap dances."

Harry slips a lopsided grin that Louis feels proud of for causing. "Yeah, I can see how that would work."

Louis takes a sip of his drink before continuing. "How long has the club been open?"

Harry thinks for a moment before giving Louis an answer. "About a year and a half."

Louis can tell that Harry's voice is still bored and uninterested but some of that 'attitude' is replaced with real emotion.

"Oh, you own other things too right?"

Harry nods, "Yeah, a few other clubs but some are just regular ones not strip clubs."

"Oh," Louis says. "You look young, how old are you? If you don't mind me asking."


Louis shakes his head. "Here you are, twenty-four years old and already have your own business. I'm twenty-two and I'm still a uni student."

Harry shrugs. "My parents made it very clear what they wanted me to do."

"Did you want this? To own clubs I mean," Louis asks.

"Business has always been what I wanted to do so I guess it just worked out. My dad's a CEO of a manufacturing company, so I guess that's where I get it from."

Louis checks his small watch he bought to keep track of his dance times. "Hm, well I sure hope I didn't get my motivation to become a stripper from either of my parents."

"Yeah no, that wouldn't be very good."

"No, no it would not," Louis downs the rest of his drink, "I gotta go, it's my turn to dance."

"Okay," is all Harry says before pulling his phone out and directing his attention to it.

Louis walks away leaving his glass cup on the bar counter for the bartender to tend to. He gets over to A-pit and waits for the girl who's song is about to end.

As soon as she's done picking up her money Louis takes her place. A new song begins and Louis starts his 'show.' As usual multiple ones and a couple twenties are thrown at him. At the end of his dance, he picks it all up and puts it in his bag that he's made his official 'money holding bag.'

At the end of the night, Louis goes back to the locker rooms and changes into his sweats. Bebe walks in just as he's finishing up.

"I saw you talking to Harry again...what was that about?"

Louis gives Bebe a look as if he's trying to tell her she's being dramatic. "I wanted to get a drink so I did. He just happened to be at the bar, I said hi, it's really not that deep."

Bebe takes her things out of her locker. "It is though! He's an antisocial, work driven emotionless type of person."

"And you know him so well because...?" Louis points out.

Bebe rolls her eyes. "Anyone can see it. I've worked here for seven months now. I never see him socializing with anyone. I even saw him laugh with you."

"First of all he didn't laugh, it was half of a smile," Louis argues.

"Was it, Louis? Was it really?"

Louis heads to the door. "Yes. It was. Stop trying to make it something it's not."

As Louis walks out he hears Bebe call. "If I'm right about this you owe me a hundred pounds!"

"Deal!" Louis shouts back, confident that him and Harry will never be in that type of relationship.

As much as Louis would love for Bebe to be right there's no way she is. Harry's only talked to him a few times, it's nothing special. So yeah, maybe it's pretty obvious that Harry's not the biggest people person, but that doesn't make Louis special just because of a few simple conversations.

When Louis gets to his dorm he finds a note from Niall saying he's staying at Liam's for the night. Louis crumples up the paper and throws it in the trash before getting in the shower. The whole time he's in there he talks or rather thinks, himself in circles. When he said he wanted to get to know Harry he didn't mean he wanted him to be the only thing on his mind. This is stupid, Louis barely knows the guy, why is he so caught up on him.

Though, he does think that the conversation he had with Harry tonight did go well. He learned that he's twenty-four, that his parents are both in the business field as well, and that Harry owns other clubs besides LURE. See, to Louis that already sounds interesting. He wants to know what it's like having that much responsibility. Is it easy? Does Harry really like his job? Does he ever want to try something new? There's just so many things Louis wants to know.

When Louis gets out of the shower he sees that Bebe texted him. They've been getting pretty close lately and Louis would definitely consider her a friend. Apparently, she's having guy troubles and she needs advice.

B: he told me that he thinks I'm pretty but Idk if that means anything or if it's just a compliment :/ help me!!

L: well idk him but if I told someone that I've been talking to for a while I thought they looked good it would probably mean I like them

B: didn't you say you thought Harry looks good? ;)))

L: yeah he does, it's obvious, anyone with working eyes can see that but I haven't been talking to him as long as you've been talking to Aiden

B: I guess...so what should I say back then?

L: idfk Bebe just cause I'm gay doesn't mean I'm good with guy relationships lol

B: ughh fine I'll just say thanks and send a heart

L: sounds good I'm going to sleep so gn text me what he says in the morning x

B: duh

Louis thinks that Bebe's great. She's funny, she's kind, and not to mention how stunning she is. The only thing is, she needs to stop obsessing over this Harry situation. There is no 'Harry situation' in the first place. It's going to take a lot more conversations with him for Louis to even start having feelings for Harry.

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