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When Louis gets to the club and goes inside it's just as busy as the last time he was here. There's loud music blasting through speakers and different colored lights flashing around the room. A light layer of fog, that Louis assumes is from a fog machine, fills the air. It looks like your typical club, filled with numerous people some drinking, some dancing, and some watching the strippers.

Louis looks around and it really hits him that he'll be dancing for so many people and he doesn't know if he loves or hates that idea.

He walks further into the club and looks around even more. He doesn't really know where he's going or who to find so he kind of just wonders around checking the place out. Finally, after at least fifteen minutes, Louis sees Harry sitting at a table with two other people. One is a girl that looks like she could maybe be a stripper but she could also just be a customer. The other is a guy who definitely isn't a stripper.

Louis walks over to the table, shimmying through the many people dancing. When Louis' in front of the table Harry looks up at him. A small smirk forms on his lips and he eyes Louis' body. 

"Louis, you made it," Harry says in his deep voice that Louis honestly finds really hot.

"Yeah, um, where-what do I do now?" Louis asks becoming shy under Harry and the two other people's stares.

"Scoot over," Harry says to the girl who then slides herself out of the booth so Harry can get out. "Come with me."

Harry starts walking away and Louis follows him. It's a little hard to keep track of Harry through all of the other people in the club but Louis manages to follow until they stop in front of a door. A sign is nailed into it that reads, 'Employees Only.'

"This is the locker room, I assume you have to change yeah?" Harry says this as he once again, scans over Louis' body.

"Yeah," Louis answers, clutching the straps of his bag he's holding.

Harry opens the door for him and lets Louis walk in before he follows behind him. Inside there are rows of Lockers that resemble a high school locker room. There are even the wooden benches in front of each row. There's also another girl inside who's brushing through her long bleach blonde hair.

"You can change in here and when you're done just come out. I'll wait." Harry says and Louis just nods.

Harry's very intimidating. He doesn't look mean or anything it's just the vibes he gives off. There's never much emotion behind his voice and his face is almost always in the same position. He very much has a resting bitch face. A beautiful resting bitch face, but a resting bitch face nonetheless.

As soon as Harry leaves the girl who was brushing her hair starts talking. "Are you auditioning tonight?"

Louis spins around. "Uh yeah. Do you work here then?"

The girl nods, "Yeah, have been for a few months. It's pretty nice here. A lot better than some of the clubs I've danced at. Have you ever danced before?"

Louis shakes his head as he sets his bag on the bench in front of him. "No, first time. Any advice?"

The girl gives Louis a small smile. "Well, I assume that you're going for a more fem look right?"

Louis nods as he starts undressing. He's a little embarrassed to do so but he figures that this girl is in the same boat as he is so she probably won't be very judgmental. It's not like he's getting naked or anything.

"I guess my advice would be to use that to your advantage," she answers as she puts her brush in her locker. "You have a great body and I bet even the guys who are 'straight' will love you."

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