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It's late and I'm tired so if I missed any mistakes I'm sorry but like, I'm also not

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On Friday, Louis was more excited to go to work than ever. He had it all planned out and everything. He was going to get there somewhat early and do his dances and then use the rest of the time to see Harry. Only, that didn't happen.

When he got to the club, everything was going smoothly. He even saw Harry walking around and when he smiled at him Harry gave a small smile back. Louis thought everything was exactly how it was on Wednesday...but apparently it wasn't.

When Louis went to go say hi, Harry was acting like he was a few weeks ago. He wasn't smiling or joking, honestly, he looked kind of depressed. Louis figured it was probably best to just leave him alone. He really didn't want a replay of last time.

The thing is, this wouldn't of been a big deal if it didn't keep happening. For the last week, Harry's been acting this way. He hasn't necessarily been mean or rude to Louis in particular he just seems very closed off and not in the mood for anyone at all.

Maybe he's just being paranoid but Louis sort of feels like Harry's pushing him away. Louis knows that he shouldn't be too upset about it. Maybe Noah was right, maybe Harry will really end up hurting him.

Louis thinks that maybe a part of him always knew this was a bad idea but like he said to Niall, he's put in so much time and effort into making this Harry thing work and he'd feel really stupid if it doesn't. He believes Harry's a good person and is capable of being a good friend but if he's wrong, well that would really hurt.

Him and Harry haven't properly talked in a while. There have been a few short conversations but Harry always had to leave or do work. Louis doesn't want to think that he was just making up excuses but in reality that's what it was.

He's very confused because nothing big has happened. Harry just came in and was like this and hasn't gone back to his normal self yet. Maybe he just got bored with Louis. Maybe Louis wasn't worth the time. Maybe Harry found something better to occupy his time with.

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It was out of his mind for a little while. Louis spent the weekend with Niall, Liam, and Zayn and that distracted him from all of the 'Harry really does hate me' thoughts but now, it's Wednesday and Louis' at the club by himself.

For the first twenty minutes he was there, Louis told himself Harry's probably just coming later but now he's been here for over an hour and it's obvious he's not coming at all. Louis' not even in the mood to dance anymore so he just grabs his things and goes.

When he gets back to his dorm he doesn't even bother talking to Niall about it because he knows that he'll just tell him that he's being over dramatic and it probably has nothing to do with him. Louis knows better though, there's no way it has nothing to do with him because why would Harry be ignoring him this much if it didn't? Couldn't he just say that something happened and he needs some time to himself?

Whatever it is, Louis' pretty upset about it. He knows that Harry has some issues, whatever they may be, but the least he could do is just be honest. Like, it's really not fair for him to be this perfect friend and this amazing person one minute and then just cut Louis off all together the next.

It almost makes Louis more mad this time than last time because Harry made him think that they had something. That things were going well and that they had some sort of future. It feels like this is a game to Harry and Louis really hates that.

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