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After the whole bathroom fiasco with Harry, Louis hasn't been able to look at him the same way he used too. Now it's a totally different type of interest in him. Before it really was just platonic but now...well, not so much.

Louis thinks that deep down he's probably always had these types of feelings for Harry but he just never realised. He cares about him so so much and he knows that he'd be happy to be in a relationship with Harry. The only thing is, that's not realistic.

There's no way Harry would go for him. Not now at least. Even Harry himself said that work comes first to him and that just makes Louis believe that a relationship for Harry isn't even an option.

He hasn't told anyone about his feelings for Harry. If he does the first person he'll tell will obviously be Niall but for now he kind of wants to keep it to himself until he figures out exactly what he wants to do about it.

He knows that from now on every time he sees Harry it's going to be really hard to not make it obvious but he'd rather suffer through the feeling of wanting Harry as more, than to loose him all together. Louis would watch Harry marry literally any other person besides himself before just willingly giving him up.

He's a little nervous to go to the club today because since it's Wednesday, he knows that Harry will be there. Louis knows he's not very smooth with things like this especially when he's overthinking it so much. He's sure he'll end up stumbling over words or saying something he'll regret but he can't just ignore Harry.

It's okay, it's Harry, and Louis' sure that of all people he'd be the last person to even consider being in a relationship with him so if he slips up Harry most likely won't think anything of it.

With that in mind Louis calms down and gets his things together so he can leave. On his way out to his car he ends up passing Niall so he stops to say hi but only for a few minutes.

When he gets to the club Louis uses his key, that he's very surprised he hasn't lost yet, to unlock the door. He has to push pretty hard to get it open because there's some ice on it that has frozen it shut, but with enough force he finally manages to get in.

When he gets over to the bar area Louis sees that there's a piece of paper stuck to the counter. He walks over to it and gently rips it off so he can read what it says.

Had to go run an errand really quick, just wanted to tell you so you knew I was still going to be here

- H

Louis smiles at the short note. He thinks it's really sweet that Harry thought about him before leaving. It also proves that now it's just kind of a normal thing for both of them to come on Wednesdays no matter what. It's things like this that assure Louis that Harry is actually really thoughtful and caring deep down.

Louis folds the note and sticks it in his bag. He probably could've just thrown it away but recycling it would be the right thing to do and the bin is all the way in the back so putting it in his bag was just much easier.

He uses the time Harry's gone-which is about twenty minutes-to dance. When he does get back Louis just so happens to conveniently be taking a break. "Oh, hi," Louis greets as Harry walks through the door.

"Hi. How long have you been here?" Harry asks, taking off his jacket. When he does this, his shirt pulls up and Louis' able to get a quick glance at Harry's toned abs. He tries not to stare, but he really can't help it.

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