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There's not much he can do about it anymore. He's attached and there's really no way out of it. He hates it, he really does, but he would hate losing Louis even more. It's stupid, to him it is at least, he doesn't understand why he likes Louis so much. He's just a normal person.

But is he really?

Because for the last four years, Harry's been able to easily not get attached to anyone but of course, Louis just had to come along and change that. Why? Why now? He's in the prime of his career. Everything is going great for him. He's making good money, his parents are happy with him, he's happy, well, mostly. Louis' just messing it all up.

Now, instead of focusing on his plan for the next day before he goes to bed, Louis' the only thing he can think about and it's killing him. Harry's an easy going guy, he always has been. He's not uptight, he just really cares about his work. His job might not be big and fancy but it's what his outcome in life relies on. If he crashes and burns, well, so does everything else.

Harry has tried everything he can to stop caring about Louis and nothing works. It's not that he doesn't necessarily want to care about Louis, it's just it would really throw him off track and succeeding is the most important thing to him.

It's scaring Harry very much. He's never had to deal with this before. He's never felt this way about anyone in his life. He doesn't really know why he cares about Louis, maybe it's that Louis cares about him too. It's nice knowing that there's someone out there who cares about you and it's really hard, especially when the person is as great as Louis, to not care about them back.

He doesn't know what he's going to do. He can't be mean to Louis, he'd feel so bad about it. Last time, it wasn't intentional at first but then it was and he still regrets it.

Finding a solution to this situation will just have to wait until another time. Harry has to go to the club now. Well, he doesn't really have to because it's Wednesday and the club doesn't open until way later at night but Harry figures that he could try and get something done. He tells himself it's not because Louis will be there, because it's not. Really.

Because he was running a little late, when Harry gets to the club Louis' already there. He's in the middle of dancing and doesn't notice that someone has just came in. Harry tries not to watch Louis but it's really hard. He's gotten very good at dancing and Harry can't help but be mesmerized by the way Louis easily swings himself around the pole. Harry truly doesn't understand why Louis doesn't love his body the way it is because from where he's standing, Louis definitely does not look bad.

Harry pulls himself out of the trance before Louis notices him watching, he doesn't need that happening again. He goes to his office to set down some things he brought and looks to try and find some work that can be done.

Harry looks through the file cabinet, his desk and even through the random stack of paper he has on top of it, but he can't find anything he hasn't already done. He decides that he should probably just stay anyway in case he finds something he missed later. Plus, it would be a waste of gas if he went home now.

Harry sits in his office for a little while doing pretty much nothing except for playing games on his phone and mindlessly folding paper into random shapes. At one point, he ends up making a paper airplane which reminds him of the night that Louis and him played Uno. That was a good night.

Harry throws the airplane just as someone starts to push open the door that was already cracked. The plane hits Louis right in the chest and then falls to the ground.

"Nice shot," Louis says as he picks up the plane only to throw it right back at Harry, hitting him in the same spot.

"Sorry, bad timing."

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