Part 2 - Project Partners

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You sat in an empty classroom, awaiting the meeting. The door slid open and a smiling Dino appeared. You smiled in response and welcomed him over, patting the seat beside you. 

Y/n: "Hey!"

Dino: "You alright?" he greeted you warmly, taking out his books with eager eyes.

Y/n: "Exhausted, ready for this meeting to be over with" you joked and lowered your voice as more house leaders from other houses made their way in. There would only be eight of you, but the air was already thick with tension.

Jisoo: "Where's Seungchol?" she asked annoyingly. You didn't like her, she was the yellow houses captain, alongside the one and only Seungchol, or Coups to his friends. She has a thing for him and its so obvious, so obviously annoying. 

Y/n: "Eh i don't know and don't care, lets start without him-" you went to the front but got interrupted by a loud slam of the door, everyone turning to look at the boy. 

He had messy bed hair yet every single hair was arranged to perfection. His eyes were sharp and mesmerising as always, you could easily lose yourself in those eyes. Defined features completed the masterpiece that was him and he analysed the room intensely, girls swooning and boys trying not to also drool.

Theres no denying his attractiveness. But you wouldn't allow yourself to fall for him. Not this easily. I mean, how hard could it be?

-Was a thought which soon vanished as his eyes landed on you, time standing still and the background noise blurring. You gulped and looked down, shuffling the papers and coughing. He let out a low chuckle of satisfaction and walked past you, nudging your shoulder as whispering as he went by. 

"Distracted are we, 


You shivered and gave him a disgusted look, deceiving the beating heart which shook your chest. 

"Lets get started" you chirped and everyone looked up, making notes and listening attentively. Thank god that's over.

— — — 

Y/n: "Why isn't this day ending soon enough" you grabbed an apple to add to your home-lunch, making your way quietly though the crowded canteen. 

Wendy: "I know, only two more periods to go though!" she unenthusiastically cheered and you laughed, walking over to the table with your two other friends.

Nayeon: "Hey guys! We were just talking about the boys~"

Dahyun: "Save me, she won't shut up about Vernon"

Y//n: "Oh Nay, we've spoken about this" you giggled and sighed dramatically, setting your food down and digging in.

Wendy: "I'm just saying, if we're picking one surely it would be Mingyu" she giggled and the others just awed, a part of you sad for Josh.

Y/n: "Not Joshua? You guys are in the same house and you know rules about dating outside the houses!" you tutted and she just looked down.

♥︎Enemies Lust ~ S.coups ff♥︎Where stories live. Discover now