Part 3 - Deal

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Last night was weird.

You got home and weren't in the mood to do much. You finished your homework much later than normal, didn't go to swimming practise which you usually did, and didn't even text your friends. You just felt, off? You weren't in the mood to do anything. Very unlike you...

But today's a new day, and theres no way you were going to let Coups ruin it again. Thinking he can just come in the place and win everyone over with his messy hair and stupid face. You hate him.. why's he the only thing you can think of?

— — —

You were so caught up in your thoughts you missed the first period bell ring. Realising you were late, you fastened your pace, going dangerously quick. Before you knew it your feet caught ahead of you and you felt yourself trip. You prepared for a big impact on cold concrete. But, nothing? You opened your tightly shut eyes, revealing an accustomed, handsome face with two muscular arms around you.

"I must be your knight in shining armour huh"

"Oh piss off" you quickly removed yourself from his grip.

Coups: "not a thank you?" He tutted and folded his arms, fixing a cold stare and an arched eyebrow.

Y/n: "being in my presence is a thank you, be grateful" you gave sarcastic wince before picking up your stuff.

Coups: "yeah alright, don't flatter yourself darling, last time a boy will ever touch you" he snorted and started to walk away, you just stared in disbelief at his arrogance.

Y/n: "Ugh. You disgust me, just being a few meters away is a nightmare" you squared up to him, looking him up and down in pure hatred.

Coups: "Oh please, you can't resist me" he faced you also, inches apart and staring intensely into each-others fierce orbs.

Y/n: "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! You're the most arrogant, stupid, egotistical person I've ever met"

Coups: "I could easily make you fall for me, you may act tough but you're only a fragile girl Y/n"

Y/n: "Stereotyping much? I could never love someone like you anyway"

Coups: "wanna bet on it?" He came closer, and you failed to step back, nodding in agreement.

"I bet by the end of this year you'll fall for me"

Y/n: "and if I do?"

He paused, thinking deeply. A snarky smile appeared on his face and he looked up at you, slightly unsure but with a passion in his eyes.

Coups: "you have to resign from your house captain duties" he words dropped with pride and confidence. You gulped, but hid it with a grin.

Y/n: "and if I win?"

Coups: "I'll resign, do we have a deal?"

Y/n: "you're on"

"May the best person win,


— — —

The rest of the day was spent in a very aggravated mood. You couldn't shake the image of his cocky grin and sparking eyes as he said that word from your mind.
It made your skin crawl and anger boil inside you, hard to focus in geography when every time you looked away from the board he somehow managed to creep into your mind. The bell rang and disturbed your thoughts, eager to escape from this cage.

You decided to work at the library and start your project. When you arrived and it was quiet, as usual, and you sat towards the back, overlooking a rugby field near two towering bookshelves, something out of a movie. You dived in and started writing, unaware of the hours passing.

Loud laughter and yells disrupted your concentration and you looked out annoyed, seeing the rugby team amongst a game. You couldn't help but stare, there were some extremely attractive boys at your school. A lot of them out there. Your smile vanished when you saw him.

He who stood out amongst the crowd. He ran with the ball, no one daring to get in his way. You couldn't see him clearly, but knew who it was easily. Josh ran beside him, smiling widely seeing Wendy waiting on the sidelines. You giggled and turned back to your work, but a visitor stood next to you.

"Mind if I sit?"

He smiled and took a seat once you nodded, clearing your throat and straightening your posture.

Y/n: "Everything alright? I thought you'd be out on the field" you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, suddenly feeling shy.

Jun: "Not today, I've pulled my hamstring so I'm taking a break. I needed you and knew you'd be here" he chucked handsomely.

Y/n: "you needed me?" You tried to not look like a complete mess in front of this gorgeous male.

Jun: "yeah, this assignment; I don't get it" he laughed hopelessly and you smiled at him, edging closer and pulling your papers into his sight.

Y/n: "I'll go through the basics" you started and he came closer, you blushed subtly and tried to talk without stuttering.

After an hour of hard work, you had made good progress whilst Jun had sat just looking at his laptop.

You were having a laugh, feeling more comfortable in his presence. You seemed to have a fair amount in common and he was nice. Making you feel happy and noticed. A typical school crush feeling. You joked about the librarian, until he suddenly stopped laughing, looking at something behind you. You turned confused, and frowned in response.

Y/n: "what do you want now?"

Coups: "I'm not here for you idiot, unless that's what you were hoping? Don't tell me I've won already" he leaned on your chair, his breath on your shoulder making you retreat quickly.

Y/n: "whatever"

Coups: "I'm heading off now Jun, you coming?" He got up to leave but was stopped.

Jun: "actually, me and Y/n were about to go get a coffee, so I'm alright" he grinned, fixing a stare at Seungchol which you couldn't figure out.

Coups: "why would you do that?" his smirk dissolved and posture stiffened. 

Y/n: "anyway, shall we go Jun?" You smiled shyly, Coups looked at you in slight frustration, and quickly intervened.

Coups: "We need to do or project."

Y/n: "what about the ema-"

Coups: "we'll be off" he bluntly stated, grabbing your wrist and bag, leaving one or two papers behind.

Y/n: "Let me go Coups you're getting in the way-"

Coups: "be quiet, or you'll be punished later" your eyes winded and you choked.

♥︎Enemies Lust ~ S.coups ff♥︎Where stories live. Discover now