Part 19 - A Melancholic Realisation

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~Saturday - 5:16pm~

A foggy week passed by you unnoticed. You'd been so busy and emotionally drained you'd barely seen your friends. Now you sat at your window, just watching life unravel before you.

The view was lifeless. Leaves which failed to find their pigment showed to be extinct, and a rumour of sun played in a constant game of hide and seek - always hiding behind thick clouds. A dark sky rolled over, too greedy to share any light and instead gifted you with a dark disturbing fog. It was the sun which made you feel alive. Summer gave you purpose, autmn brought you nothing but melancholy.

A burst of noise based to startle you, as three familiar voices filled the room.

Dahyun: "Y/n, finally! We need to show you something"

she ran over, pulling out her laptop and loading something up. You slowly dropped down onto the floor beside her, resting your head on Wendy's shoulder.

"I know darling, but please just watch"

her soothing voice swooned your ears as she stroked your hair and you sat up more, directing your eyes to the screen. A video was revealed and you watched confused.

As the footage rolled you felt your stomach tighten and drop, seeing someone you cared so much about fall into a state of despair, confusion and unconsciousness. Tripping over, eyes reddening and face drooping. Sitting up straighter you understood it.

Like a light was turned on, you clicked,

he didn't cheat on me,

he was drugged.

He went through this alone and terrified, and your selfishness completely ruled out the possibility of how this had affected him. Guilt washed over you as you realised how horrifying this would've been for him.  

You watched intently, right near the screen. It was upsetting and cruel but you couldn't tear your eyes away. You re-winded, and re-winded and re-winded numerous times, before meeting three pairs of eyes. One soft, one fierce and one excited. They carefully waited for you to speak, sorting their eyebrows and edging closer, you looked down for a few minutes. Looking up bravely, you let out a much needed reaction,

a single tear.

You hadn't cried in years. Years and years of toughness, broken down from a video. No one reacted, instead they sat there calmly, watching you so lovingly. One tear become two, which become fifty. They allowed you to express your feelings on your sleeve without being judged.

You weeped and sniffled, they cried with you as good friends do. A feeling of love and a true bond filled your heart and although you cried, the feeling of being wanted and valued made you feel so much better. You pulled away from Wendy's embrace and looked up through foggy eyes.

All eyes on you just like from all the sports events, and award ceremonies, but now for a different reason. To see a new exposed side of you which you barely showed yourself. You collected yourself and nodded at them, cleared your throat and spoke quietly.

"I need him..I need to know he's ok"

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