Part 9 - Suspicions

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~ Tuesday 9:56am~

You held a dozen boxes, almost tripping down the stairway. You took the fire exit stairs to avoid anyone nudging you, but soon felt someone behind you.

Coups: "Hey" he whispered in your ear making you jump.

Y/n: "Stop making me jump!"

Coups: "Need help my lady?" he went to grab them put you pulled away.

Y/n: "I can do it myself, I'm no damsel in distress" you pushed past him, smirking and you could feel his frustration as you wouldn't let him.

This was gonna be a fun day~

— — —

~Thursday 12:16pm~

Teacher: "Who wants to go with Y/n to get more books?"

Coups: "I will-" he got up but you interrupted.

Y/n: "How about Vernon? He needs one anyway"

Teacher: "Sure, be quick you two"

You could practically feel his blood boil as he sat there, tapping his foot, sending such aggravated looks to you. You just wrapped your arm around Vernon's, acting sarcastically affectionate to wind him up even more. And you swear you saw a vein or two pop out.

— — —

~Friday 2:47pm~

Teacher: "I don't want this to cause a huge fuss, i need two volunteers to go collect some papers for me from the office, any volunteers?" pretty much everyone raised their hand, desperate to escape the lesson. Sir sighed and looked around until an unfamiliar spark lit in his eye.

"How about Y/n and Seungchol. God knows you two need some time to reconcile"

Coups: "Sure!"

Y/n: "Noo, please sir anyone else"

Teacher: "Don't be so stubborn Y/n, now hurry"

This whole week you'd been tormenting and teasing him, and now you had at least 15 minutes with him alone? This isn't going to end well.

Not even 2 minutes in, did you feel him grab your arm and attempt to pull you into the cupboard, but were stopped.

"Coups! Whats up?"

A manly voice shouted, you both turned around to see Joshua, Wonwoo and Hoshi stumbling down in their kits.

Hoshi: "Whats going on here, 'seven minutes in heaven'?" he chuckled but got hit in the chest by Josh.

Joshua: "Don't say stuff like that"

Wonwoo: "Then why's he holding her wrist" pointing towards it, the blood draining from your face and he let go suddenly.

Coups: "No, no she almost tripped, idiot!"

Joshua: "Fair enough!"

Wonwoo: "Pfft, seems suspicious to me-ow ok i'm sorry" holding his newly injured elbow dramatically.

Hoshi: "What are those?"

Y/n: "Papers for the office"

Wonwoo: "We're going that way anyway, i'll drop them off for you" he smiled, taking them from you and you returned his expression.

Y/n: "Aw, you're too nice"

Coups: "No we better take them, just so they don't get lost or anything-"

Joshua: "Really it's fine, you guys get back to your lesson!" he smiled and started to walk off with Hoshi, ignoring Coups' obviously distressed face.

Coups: "We-"

Y/n: "Bye!" you waved them off, enjoying his upset.

"Oh grow up" you pushed his head and he came closer, about to say something but realising Wonwoo was there.

Wonwoo: "I'm onto you both" he leaned in and then out, giving one last glance before leaving.

Y/n: "He better not think we're dating!" you stomped your foot and run your hands through your hair in worry.

"Aren't we?"

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