Part 29 - Music Box Confessions

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~November 12th - 4:26pm~

Everyone was home now for the holidays. you were clearing out your room with Wendy, Dahyun and Nayeon, filling them in on everything that had happened. At each part they yelled and screamed at how romantic and adorable you and Seungchol were.

Dahyun: "And what did he say after!?" by cleaning - you meant you and mainly Wendy breaking her back to try and reach the furthest boxes, whilst Nayeon lay carelessly on the floor and Dahyun chat constantly.

Y/n: "He said he loved me" you reached for another box casually, and the room went dead silent. You looked around confused and there they all were. Nayeon magically awake, Wendy wide eyed from the ladder and Dahyun looking pale, as if about to pass out in front of you.

All: "he said what!?" They screamed in perfect unison.

Y/n: "What? He probably just got caught up in the moment.." a little frightened you stepped back but they weren't expecting that.

Dahyun: "Holy cow..ok ok. He said it, this is more serious than we thought"

Wendy: "Someone write this down"

Nayeon: "On it" breaking out into a intense mission they all panicked and ran around your room.

Y/n: "I don't get-" out of no where Dahyun gasped loudly-

Dahyun: "Did you say it back?????" the stares somehow got more intense and uncomfortable and you felt the thick tension of the didn't actually..

Y/n: "I didn't know what to say" horror filled their faces and they went into a full on breakdown.

Wendy: "I can't handle this anymore" she slammed her head into your pillow and let out a frustrated, dramatic sigh. The others reacted similarly, obviously dramatising but you worry they were being serious low-key..Was i supposed to say it..?

Nayeon: "Hang on" she stood up and took a call, pausing and walking to the window.

"oh..ok we're coming!" she suddenly grabbed Dahyun and ran out the room, shouting after;


So much had happened over the course of a few minutes, exhausted form the drama you slumped down on the messy floor beside Wendy. She got up to stretch and get something, but paused, looking further into your wardrobe which had now turned inside out with clothes. You rested your eyes and relaxed, whilst she made her way over slowly. She sat down holding a small box and spoke up-

Wendy: "Do you love him?"

you sat up and looked over alarmed.

Y/n: "Where's that come from?"

Wendy: "Just wondering, you didn't say it back so?"

Y/n: "I guess i just got a bit scared, it came out of nowhere after-all" you shrugged and played back. Usually she would drop such a topic, but today she was much more curious.

Wendy: "You don't think thats gonna worry him, do you?" you fiddled with the box and tapped her feet on the floor in only a pattern she would know.

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