Part 35 - Dusk

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He drove down to a quiet road. Dusk was upon you, meaning all the hustle and bustle of the day was over, letting melted tones flood the sky. A glowing collision was sinking below the horizon whilst threads of remaining light mingled with the wispy, lustful clouds. The sky dripped it's dark orange light over the scene, providing a soon to be gone light. The day was ending, the evening was coming to a close as you'd wasted it, sitting together.

Y/n: "The spring" you rubbed your eyebrows, drained of this constant debate. Regardless of how good things were you always ended up having this argument.

Coups: "I didn't realise it was that close, thats not what we agreed" he leaned back, tilting his chilled jaw up to the sky, trying to pass on his problems to the undeserving dusk.

Y/n: "We can't escape this can we" you bite the inside of your cheek, contemplating what to do.

Coups: "We can! I can drive now, i can work as well. I'll get a job, so can you. We'll buy an apartment outside of Seoul and move in. We won't tell our parents where we are and..." this boy was seriously on another planet. Having no sense of realism, he carried on, enjoying his fantasy world. You wished so dearly you could escape and join him..but you were stuck in reality.

"Who knows, maybe i'll get a job at one of my mums firms..maybe i can convince her.." as soon as he brought up his mum, you realised you needed to stop this before it escalated further.

Y/n: "Seungchol.." he stopped, looking at you, cheeks red from overthinking and ears glowing from heat.

Coups: "You got a better idea?"

Y/n: "Well mines more realistic.."

Coups: "And?" he looked so genuinely excited. You had no right to discard that, so held your tongue for once, ignoring reality. Letting go~

Y/n: "Forget it, we'll decide later" you smiled innocently, he mired your expression and edged closer, wrapping his arm around you.

Coups: "Whatever happens, i will always keep my promise" he nodded happily, kissing your temple whilst a warm tear rolled down your cheek.

Half happy, half sad. You loved him so much, so so much. It made you feel so warm and special that someone cared about you like he did, that happiness failed to leave your side. But had a strong enemy, of doubt and sadness. As much as the present was great, you couldn't escaping from the reality which hit you hard,

this wasn't forever.

— — —


Coups: "Oh, Christmas eve is tomorrow!" out of no where he exclaimed looking towards you giddy.

Y/n: "Oh yeah! That'll hopefully be a nice change in mood, if my mum speaks to me" you rolled your eyes and both laughed, letting out cold air like ice dragons.

Coups: "Well seeing as its almost Christmas..i got you something!" he handed over a wrapped gift, only small but its value; priceless.

Y/n: "Oh Seungchol, you really shouldn't-"

Coups: "No i wanted to, i wanted you to remember how important and valued you are" a warm smile, tinted cheeks and kind eyes made you fall into his arms, smiling into his shirt.

Y/n: "You're the best boyfriend~" you mumbled sweetly, transcending into this dream bit by bit.

Coups: "Boyfriend eh? I dont remember officially agreeing that.." you pulled out and challenged his playful smile.

Y/n: "Neither did I when you blurted it out in the car! But, if you're so desperate, Seungchol, will you be my boyfriend?"

Coups: "I do" he chuckled out at your cuteness and you smiled wider, rosy cheeks complimenting his and you lost yourself in his kiss.

— — —

"Where were you?"

Theres no escaping mum, regardless of how long you put it off for.

Y/n: "Out, with someone?" you questioned yourself making her even more suspicious.

Mum: "With who?"

Y/n: "Just leave it!" you stomped past, hanging your coat up, not wanting her to take away your good mood.

Mum: "Y/n, when are you going to stop acting childish! How about we talk and fix things!" you held your sides, sitting you down like a child and forcing you to compromise.

"Now tell me, where were you?" truth be told, you didn't want to argue anymore. Sick of arguing you swallowed your pride and loyalty, looking up and thinking of a lie.

Mum: "before you do though, i must ask you. At work i have a formal dinner, i thought i'd take the family so you can see my work!" her eyes lit up and it was hard to say no..putting two and two together you saw an opportunity.

Y/n: "Why don't i bring the guy i was with tonight..?"

Mum: "Really? That would be great! It's not.." she couldn't even manage his name. Dissecting the truth you gave your most reassuring smile and shook your head.

Y/n: "No..its not.."

Mum: "Brillant, i'll forward the details, good chat darling, i love you" she wished up the stairs and you want against the wall.


Now i have to find a date,

which isn't my boyfriend,

what is my life?

♥︎Enemies Lust ~ S.coups ff♥︎Where stories live. Discover now