Part 10 - His Dark Room

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Meet me in the little room behind the hall after school

No? I can think of many other things i'd rather be doing.

Do you want to be punished?

I'll be there.

You groaned and turned off your phone. Coup's acting suspicious was one of your least favourite things. And Coup's acting 'weird' was even worse. Nevertheless, as soon as the final bell rung, you ran to this mystery room.

You'd never been there, and when you went to open it, it was locked. Well theres your excuse for not going-

-And it opened.


You looked around, stunned by the sights. A dimly lit room its only light being a red one, reflecting its romantic glow across thousand of polaroid pictures hung on delicate string. Trays of solution lay out before you, as you inspected them closely. As you made it to the end of the room your eyes finally landed on him. And oh boy, did he look good in the light.

Coups: "I didn't think you'd actually come" he laughed to himself, looking more nervous than usual.

Y/n: "Well the forfeit was much worse" you were expecting a rude comeback, but nothing. Instead he avoided eye contact and smiled sheepishly at the ground. His honest emptiness made you feel slightly uncomfortable. The mood with Coups was always jokey, so this severity was slightly awkward, but also heart fluttering.

"These yours?" you gestured to the pictures and his smile grew.

Coups: "Yeah" he hummed, playing with his feet.

Y/n: "Don't be so shy, they're really good" you looked closer, seeing all the various landscapes. You looked around aimlessly, until one caught your eye.

"When did you take this?" you looked over at him, panic catching your eye. You shoved the picture in his face, he chuckled deeply, taking it from you.

Coups: "First picture i ever took" he grinned proudly at his idea of a 'masterpiece'.

"In fact, i need to develop it" he went over to the trays, demonstrating how to do it.

Y/n: "Why do you need that one..?" you looked away and blushed discreetly, flattered at it.

Coups: "Because its one of my favourite pictures I've ever taken, captures one of my happiest moments" you turned around, analysing the finalised product.

It was a very old selfie. It was around October, the rain heavy and leaves fallen. It was Coups in his raincoat, holding an umbrella above him and a companion. That companion? Well it was you! You in your matching coat, wellies on and spirits high. Reddened button noses and damp hair failed to hide your flowing smiles. Those were the short-lived days where you and Coups were the best of friends. Those days which you had to hide your intense love for him. Those days~

Y/n: "I like it too.." you managed to mumble out, and he turned to look at you now.

Coups: "What changed Y/n.."

"Where did everything change between us?" he looked up into your eyes, you were much lower than him as you sat down, looking up into his emotive orbs.

Y/n: "I don't know.." you were honestly stuck for words.

Coups: "I don't know, its stupid, i guess i kinda miss the days when there wasn't such an intense rivalry and competition"

Y/n: "Coups.." you started but he jumped in.

Coups: "-But it is fun annoying the hell out of you" he then proceeded to lean down, placing a toned arm beside you, meeting your height.

Y/n: "Just as i thought we were going to connect" you rolled your eyes and tried to go back, but instead almost fell onto the solution.

He was quick to react and slipped an arm around your waist. Holding you tightly and close.

Both stunned from the almost accident, you neglected how close your faces were. Any closer and you'd kiss. For a split second he looked shy and genuinely excited, but soon covered it up with his famous grin.

"Just us two in this darkroom~"

"Its like you want me to hate you"

He was about to say something when you say the door-handle of the room start to turn and you both darted to opposite sides.

The8: "Oh! Don't mind me, just getting some solution-Oh Coups! What are you doing in here, with Y/n?"

Y/n: "Nothing weird! Nothing no, just getting some paper..catch you later!" you ran out, leaving your pride.

Coups: "She's an odd one huh" he smiled at your traces.

The8: "Yeah, odd" he just looked at Coups curiously, smiling to himself.

— — —

Banging your head multiple times into your pillow, drowning out the sound of heavy rain and splattered droplets against your window. Why did you have to react so intensely? No he's just going to get more and more cocky and push more personal space limits and -

"Ding Dong"

"You get it, I'm busy" Josh yelled from the kitchen

You dragged your limp body down the stairs and creaked open the door.


Coups: "Calm down, I'm here for Josh, but I'm sure that can be arranged if you want"

Y/n: "I'll stop you right there" you patted his shoulder and looked behind him, greeted by many more faces.

"And you brought an army, great. Why?"

Dino: "SLEEPOVER!" he barged in and you honestly didn't think it could get any worse.

At least 8 loud, screaming boys staying right below you with no parental supervision. You genuinely believed it couldn't get much worse, not until you felt a hot breathe in your ear.

"Maybe i'll pay you a midnight visit"

♥︎Enemies Lust ~ S.coups ff♥︎Where stories live. Discover now