Part 50 - Lust

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{A/n: and here we have it, the final chapter. After a long journey I feel so grateful to have so many consistent readers. Thank you for all the love and support, feel free to leave a comment telling me your opinion and enjoy]

Tea-lights lit up a misty evening, the horizon, undecided on its colour, mixed thousands of pinks, oranges and yellows. The soft fairy lights which hung from the open-plan roof showed your way as you all sat around a large wooden table, enjoying amazing food and perfect company.

You'd gotten your exam results back and we're pretty pleased. They're weren't jaw dropping, but for you a proud accomplishment. Passing would've been a healthy goal, so your results were satisfying, most importantly, securing you a place at your dream university. You and your friends were all pleased, although all going down separate routes, certain you would cross paths someday; and that was enough. Tonight you were celebrating your results with your closest family and friends. Including Seungchols.

Areum: "I'd like to raise my glass, a toast!" She rose, all eyes landing on his mother, dressed in light pink, a colour you didn't usually see on her, swaying ever so softly in a summer evenings breeze.

Areum: "this journey, has not been an easy one, I think we can all agree on" she laughed, gaining an audience of followed chuckles.

"But they say good things come to those who wait, and we can all agree this is true"

"The journey has been long and challenging, at some points seeming unbearable and pointless. But we have all found our way, one way or another. I'd like to congratulate everyone. Here's to another year of good work, school and most importantly health and happiness. Cheers!"

Your eyes watered merrily as you rose a glass. You weren't expecting such kind words, but so blessed to hear them. You took a sip of your wine, enjoying as it flushed down your parched throat, sitting back and enjoying the company. Taking in all the blissful scenery and a much needed breath..

Coups: "you look beautiful this evening.." your attention snapped as he caught you off guard, a blush rising on your cheeks and a smirk tilting your lips.

Y/n: "only tonight?"

Coups: "you know what I mean"

Y/n: "why thank you, you're not too bad yourself kind sir" you both laughed, leaning back and somehow the rooms discussions getting quieter, as if only yours mattered.

Coups: "I'm happy we did this"

Y/n: "I am too, everyone needed a break, a chance to talk and enjoy the night together. I think I'm actually seeing some expression in your dads face!" You teased, watching his eyes roll and his smirk appear.

Coups: "it's the company of your dad, they get on so well. He was gutted when, when we 'split'. No one finds him as interesting!"

Y/n: "vice verser! Seems like our families have more in common than we thought.." you looked up into his eyes, the sunset reflecting in them, an enticing painting displayed within his orbs, melting your heart and soul as you envisioned deeper.

Coups: "we have-" he pulled himself closer, closing the distance and raising a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, an excuse for contact. Your moment cut short when-

♥︎Enemies Lust ~ S.coups ff♥︎Where stories live. Discover now