Part 23 - Broken Rules

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"Excuse me!?"

You, Mingyu and Dahyun yelled in unison. Turning to Seungchol as he sat back casually, looking like a god, casually.

Coups: "What? We're a couple now~" he flung an arm around your tense shoulder, showing a teethy smile.

Dahyun: "Holy shi-"

Mingyu: "When did this happen?!" a hand clasped around Dahyun's mouth and his own fell open.

Coups: "oh, only today"

Y/n: "Uhh- how come i don't remem-" he grabbed your hand tight, signalling you to shut up and he looked forward.

Mingyu: "Hm..if its true, whats her..favourite song?" he paused, Mingyu looking closely, Dahyun practically passed out on the floor from excitement and you looking intently, whole heartedly. You'd spoken about this, as it held a close place in your heart..

"The Truth Untold"

— — —

Still water, comfortable silence and the faint worry of school tomorrow, but even that couldn't disturb you from you peace you felt

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Still water, comfortable silence and the faint worry of school tomorrow, but even that couldn't disturb you from you peace you felt. You were both sat at the pier, quite far away from your school and the town in general, resulting in a tranquil, slowed down vibe. He strummed a perfect melody, your favourite song to make it even better. The mood was perfectly peaceful. Not to mention extremely romantic~

"You uh, you didn't mean what you said back there did you?"

Awkwardly laughing, playing with your hands and your social awkwardness taking over, you avoided his now on you eyes. He shifted closer to you and took s deep inhale.

Coups: "I don't really know anymore"

He replied with genuine confusion, scratching the back of his head.

Y/n: "Yeah no it's fine, just a joke or something. I get it"

You laughed, pretty obvious that it was fake, tensioning up and he could sense your uncomfortableness.

Coups: "I mean I heads all over the place.." he paused, unsure of what to say but you nudged him, encouraging him to open up for once.

"My parents..they expect a lot from me. They want me to go into my dads business which sounds great and typical of a son, but it's just not what I want. He doesn't like me perusing my was a push for him until he realised I was actually good at it.

My mum is great but finds it hard to stick up for me. My parents love each other but find it hard to stay so close as he's working all the time, I barely see him..

Anyway, another thing they want is.." he sighed, dropping his head and running his hands through it as if searching for an answer.

Y/n: "take your time.." you rubbed his back and he exhaled again and brought up his disorganised head slowly.

"they want me in an arranged marriage.."

You felt your heart stop and he universe quickly go on pause. You leaned forward, looking at his pained face. Time as still as water from a well, Cupid's messy mission messed up as you both sat in silence and heartbreak. Every time you figured out something to say it either disappeared or physically couldn't come out. This feeling overwhelmed you and you were not ready to let go yet.

"isn't that super outdated? I mean in the 21st century its practically unheard of in our culture, ethically and morally how can your parents happily condemn that? Don't you get it? It's so fucked that even legal?"

"It's not for love its for money, a profitable marriage for both our families..and it would be illegal if I were against it but what choice do i have? It's the right thing to do.."

Out of no where you grabbed his hand, causing him to look up, confused.

The look you exchanged said it all, neither of you wanted this. Neither of you were ok with this. Neither of you were comfortable with the idea.

Both of you figuring out in your overworked, stressed out teenage minds what it's like to experience such strong feelings. Feelings you didn't want to loose.

"But you're not married yet..there's still time right? We still have time.."

You tried to act as brave and reassuring as possible, nodding to convince yourselves that everything would work our, no matter how much of a lie it was.

Coups: "But what happens when we have to say goodbye-"

Y/n: "We don't have to yet, let's live in the moment Seungchol! All of lives are planned out and so structured. Let's break the rules for once, let go!"

You slowly got up, smiling and filled with a new found confidence and hope. Your enthusiasm started to encourage him too..

Y/n: "Let's let go of all the worries and rules, even if it's just for once moment" he clearly was in doubt, fighting a mental battle of what to do but you weren't going to loose.

"Seungchol, I've known you for 17 years now. I hate breaking the rules just as much as you do, but I'm willing to. I hate your guts, there's times where I've genuinely wanted to kill you!

But I can't deny my feelings when I'm with you, and I'm willing to put that on the line"

He looked up to you, you stood on the edge of the pier, a hand reached out and a heart exposed. Not knowing how he truly felt pained you. But you were willing to expect not knowing if it meant you could keep him, even if it was only for a few more months.

He jumped up, smiling wide and you reflected the image exacting.

"Let's let go"

He repeated, before grabbing your hand and running down the pier you almost froze, for a split second about to scream but chose not to,

instead, allowed freezing water overthrow you as you both leaped into the crystal lagoon. 

You swam and played around for a while, eventually coming together in icy water and holding him close. Water dripping down from his soaked hair, clothes damp and ruined yet he managed a classic smile and pulled you close.

"Be mine.."

♥︎Enemies Lust ~ S.coups ff♥︎Where stories live. Discover now