Part 33 - Green With Envy

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"You're lucky I was up to save your ass"

You unlocked the door and came in, faced with a drowsy looking Joshua who sat on the stairs, head resting on the wall.

Y/n: "Why are you up?" You harshly whispered, trying not to alert your parents.

Joshua: "Dad was worrying why you weren't home so I pretended like you were at Wendy's. Seriously you gotta be more careful" he rubbed his temples, desperate for sleep.

Y/n: "oh yeah..thanks"

Joshua: "where were you anyway?"

Y/n: "I met with Seungchol - unintentionally for once"

Joshua: "it's like you're asking to go to hell"

Y/n: "I know but I'm so fed up with hiding it, I can't help how I feel"

Joshua: "I know that, but..Seungchol? Mum really isn't happy with it and we haven't even spoken about how this will affect us"

Y/n: "she'll come round, and what's wrong with you?"

Joshua: "my bestfriend dating my sister? My twin? Yeah that's kind of weird" he looked at you distantly, a weird tension filling the landing.

Y/n: "hypercritical much? Anyway you never said-"

Joshua: "you never asked! Maybe it would of been nice for a heads up instead of finding out a few weeks late?" A trail of anger and sadness filled his voice as he looked away, facing the dark kitchen.

Y/n: "josh.."

Joshua: "whatever, I'm tired. I'm going to bed, be careful next time because I won't be there to save you" he left for his room as you stood alone by the front door. Filled with confusion and guilt.

— — —


It was only a few days before Christmas and most families were enjoying time together. No school, no work and no responsibilities for most families. Most families could enjoy their free time together around a cozy fire; but you're not most families.

Your mums restaurant was thriving and tensions were running high. Your dad was finishing a business trip but did seem genuinely excited - your mother more so worried. You hadn't cleared re air after the fight and the tension killed you but you were too stubborn to back down.

Mum: "money's on the counter, I'll see you this evening" she briefly quoted, a statement repeated so many times, before heading for the door.

Y/n: "mum can we talk.." you timidly piped up and she turned, half cold half warm. She sighed before coming close and patting your shoulder.

Mum: "I know, but let's talk about this later" she half smiled and wished out the door, into her car and down the winter road. You let out a breathy exhale and turned back inside, curious for the day ahead.

Y/n: "where are you going?" You questioned as he pulled on his coat also.

Joshua: "meeting my mates, is it alright if they come back here later? Mum and dad are out so"

Y/n: "only if I can invite mine"

Joshua: "sure, and don't act like it's so painful" he rolled his eyes and dabbed his keys.

"You know he'll be there" he made several loving sounds and left the house leaving you embarrassed. Better look good for tonight! And I should text my friends..

-Turns out they're all busy. You had no choice but to face them alone, not that it's a big deal anyway. After hours of laying about you decided to go for a swim before they came, and this made your way to the pool.

— — —

You changed into your costume and went out. It was a fairly quiet day but still a few people. The lights were dim and the water was still, gentle spa music playing in the back. As cringeworthy as it was, it was your safespace. You dipped one toe into the pool, before diving right in~

You swam for ages. A lot of time passed and you were considering getting out until a hand tapped your shoulder.

Y/n: "ah jesus" you semi-yelled, looking at the man before you. Fortunately you recognised him and smiled politely.

"Sorry..I didn't realise"

Mark: "no it's fine, I shouldn't of creeped up aha..anyway I saw you and thought I'd say hi" he brushed back his wet hair and smiled at you. He was very attractive~

Y/n: "no it's fine, anything I can do for you?"

Mark: "actually I wanted to improve my backstroke"

— — —
Joshua POV

We were all hanging out until we decided on what to do tonight. A simple film and some gaming would be best. Everyone started to split up and we decided some of us would go early. Me, Coups, Dino and Wonwoo went to pick up Hoshi from the swimming centre and bring him back to set up. Coups has just passed his driving test so we anxiously got in the car, fearful of our lives.

One shaky ride later we arrived, all going in and meeting him in the entrance. I could see in the pool from above, so we sprawled out and looked in.

Wonwoo: "There's your sister" he pointed down and I looked, laughing at how she looked.

Dino: "where's Y/n?!" He ran to the window and looked out, smiling widely, I've always known there's something up with him..out the corner of my eye I could see Coups, slowly boiling. He's always been overprotective and easily jealous so this was amusing. Maybe time for some payback..

Joshua: "you know Dino, you and Y/n get on pretty well. If theres one friend I don't mind her talking to it's you" I smirked and laughed, his eyes lighting up and Wonwoo looking over smug.

Dino: "really? She doesn't like me though.." he looked back down at her, smiling to himself.

Wonwoo: "even if she did, isn't it a bit weird if one of us dated her?" He asked, casually looking at her and I turned to sneakily look at Seungchol, he looked straight back at me, angry and nervous.

Joshua: "I don't know"

Wonwoo: "well it seems to be with him" he pointed down and I stepped closer, seeing her with someone.

Joshua: "Is that Mark?"

Wonwoo: "oh yeah it is" three of us stayed at the window, suddenly joined but a very frustrated Seungchol.

Dino: "when's Hoshi coming?" He absentmindedly spoke, ignoring coups' fixated stare.

Hoshi: "I'm here!" He burst through the doors and we all left, Coups tracking behind, mind preoccupied. Tonight's should be interesting..

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