Part 18 - Mission

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~Wednesday - 10:02pm~

Sleepless, you lay awake. The room overflowing with emotions and your mind flooded. He'd come over earlier today, for Josh obviously. But he did try. He tried to talk, all he wanted from you was to listen, and you couldn't even do that.

And now you lay wide awake, overthinking and stuck in a state of confusion.

He, who also lay awake stared at his bedroom ceiling, questioning everything he'd done.

Two people, inevitably connected, lay so far apart,. Hearts screaming out for each other but neither had the courage or the strength to admit it anymore..

giving up on love.

— — —

Wendy: "Ok i'm really starting to regret this" she sized up the building nervously.

Dahyun: "Look you love 'James Bond', just think of it as one of his mission!"

Wendy: "This is criminal!"

Dahyun: "Love is worth it darling" she tugged on her rope, ensuring it was secure enough.

Nayeon: "So you're climbing up the side, going through the window and then what?"

Dahyun: "We're climbing through the window, then going into her garage where the security footage is kept and taking a tape to prove our point"

Wendy: "You want me to break in!?"

Nayeon: "Not so loud Wend! She might wake up.."

Wendy: "I'm going to die here!"

Dahyun: "One two three, and we're up!"

And just like that, your three closet friends were climbing up your enemies house, only to break in and prove that there is still a chance. One by one, they made it onto a side balcony, the window perfectly open. Carefully creeping in, they tip-toed into the hallway and made for the stairs.

One wrong foot placement and everything would be over. Nayeon stepped down successfully, then a very shaky Wendy, and lastly Dahyun who unsurprisingly let out a large-


The wooden step shrieked underneath them and they all looked around alarmed. Freaking out, they ran quickly down the stairs and into the shadows. Breathing as quiet as possible, exchanging looks which made them laugh, grasping their mouths to shut up.

The garage was found, and entered swiftly. Dahyun loaded up the computer painfully slowly, Wendy on look-out and Nayeon looking around the museum calmly as if inspecting a museum. Suddenly, a dim light flickered on the screen and they all ran over. Dozens of screens showed surveillance of the house.


She muttered, turning to date back to the 31st, and scanning for the correct room. Wendy pointed to the kitchen and all of them leaned in closely. Three exhausted heads inches away from the screen. The clip rolled back and everyone except Dahyun gasped in horror..

~Flashback~ (Dahyun POV)

I came beside Y/n, following her gaze to Seungchol and Rose. I sighed with her.

"She makes me sick"

I muttered and she just shrugged, looking away back to the noise behind you. I was about to join her but something caught my eye. I peered closer and saw Jisoo join them, obviously pulling Coups to one side. Then suddenly, Rose reached over to his cup and dropped what looked like a tablet in. It fizzed and then disappeared. I rubbed my eyes, but weren't dreaming. He turned back, perfect timing. She smiled and pushed the drink in his face where he awkwardly sipped it.

~End of Flashback~ (No ones POV)

The camera was perfectly placed right above Rose, capturing her every move. Nayeon had her eyes bulged in disbelief and Wendy just sat back silently. Nayeon didn't hesitate to go forward and reply the clip over and over. They all watched as the various cameras showed Seungchol stumbling up stairs, being pushed down in a bedroom and lay there almost unconscious.

Wendy: "Poor Seungchol" she sighed, rubbing her head sadly.

Dahyun: "If we can show her this, maybe she'll forgive him"

Wendy: "I really do hope so.."

Nayeon came over, grabbing both the girls hands as they all smiled at each other tiredly.

"Lets download the footage and then go home"

All nodding, they did what they needed to do and creeped back out the back door and back home into a cool, open night.

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