Part 22 - Promises

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~Tuesday - 7:16am~

Getting ready for your classes, you hoped around happily, buzzing from last night. Things seemed to finally be falling into place..and you liked the sound of it!

You came into the small, shared kitchen seeing Dahyun sitting at the counter, smiling maliciously. 

Y/n: "Morning trouble, how was the date?"

Dahyun: "I don't know, how was yours?" she turned to you, grinning and you were taken aback, not sure if you heard it right.

Y/n: "Excuse me?" her eyes flashed before turning around and back into her cereal. 

Dahyun: "Nothing! Wrong person..and yeah it was great. Oh you don't even realise, we walked around and talked and it was sooOo good" she sat smiling, dropping her spoon creating a mess as usual. 

Y/n: "Thats good" you giggled and walked off to get some cereal. 

Dahyun: "How about you..?" 

Y/n: "What about me?" eyes fixed in the fridge and trying to restrain a shaky voice. 

Dahyun: "What did you get up to last night?" maybe it was you overthinking it, but the tone in her voice suggested she already knew the answer..

Y/n: "Nothing..just watched a film and ate-" the door started to knock violently and you ran to it for an escape. Expecting Wendy or Nayeon you threw it open and was pleasantly surprised. 

"Oh, morning" feeling a smile creep up on your blushing face you pushed your feet into the floor below, smiling like a fool. 

Coups: "Ready for class?" he pulled up his rucksack and had an adorable expression. A cute blue and white stripped sailor top clung to his frame and ripped jeans encased his muscular legs. Could he get anymore perfect? 

Y/n: "Yeah, let me get my folder!" you turned back, Dahyun stealing glances and smirking down into her bowl. You decided to shrug it off and enjoy the moment~

— — — 

No Ones POV

Dahyun: "I think we should ask them!" 

Mingyu: "Not so loud" she whispered back. They sat in science, whispering back and forth about the 'incident'.

Dahyun: "I'm saying we call them over and do it"

Mingyu: "Me too"

Dahyun: "Who would've thought it, Y/n and Seungchol!? Amazing" 

They continued to ramble on, forgetting that they were surrounded by people and even in the same class as their school newspaper editor...

— — — 

Your POV

Walking out of class, you smiled up at him, joking about the lesson. You'd done the group presentation, and Coups was extremely relieved to not be working with Jackson. You loved teasing him, him getting more and more playfully annoyed with each remark. You teased and teased until he had enough, and pulled you down a leafy alleyway. 

♥︎Enemies Lust ~ S.coups ff♥︎Where stories live. Discover now