Part 14 - House Party #2

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"You'll be ok?" Josh held you by your arms, worried to unless you into the already packed party.

"Yes! Now go find your friends" you ushered him away, smiling and he quickly ran away.

You sighed and looked around. Right. Where are my friends?

You looked around carefully, scanning the room only to find semi-familiar faces who looked pretty drunk. You then felt a strong arm draped across your shoulder and you already knew who it was.

"Coups get off-" you turned to have them but was surprised to see a stranger, grinning down at you.

??: "I'm not Coups, but who are you gorgeous?" You could smell the alcohol on his breathe and started to panic.

Y/n: " must have the wrong person..I'll be off now" you tried to escape but he was too strong.

??: "c'mon, stay for a little while. Or we could go somewhere private?" He slowly pulled you towards the staircase and that's when you knew you had to act quickly.

Y/n: "I said no" you then kicked his leg, pulling it yourself free as he went to grab his leg.

The stranger groaned, cursing at you and honestly you couldn't feel more proud. You smiled to yourself and ventured off into the busting crowd-

or that was the plan.

??: "Get back here" he shouted in your face, grabbing both your arm and you winced. Maybe angering the enemy wasn't a great idea..he started to go up the stairs but suddenly stumbled back and you looked up confused.

Coups: "get your hands off of her right now" he growled in the guys face, pushing him back.

??: "who the hell do you think you are?" He not so confidentially confronted.

Coups: "S.coups, her boyfriend"

??: "that's the idiot you were looking for earlier?"

Y/n: "yeah.." you just about managed, standing behind Seungchol.

Coups: "if I see you come near her again I will personally rip your throat out" he shoved him away then grabbing your waist and pulling you away.

— — —

"Thanks" you were in the kitchen, slightly less crowded but still very loud.

Coups: "I cant stand guys like that"

Y/n: "I could've done t on my own though" You sipped your drink and avoided his piercing eyes.

Coups: "sure you could've, that was a great idea by the way, infuriating the enemy"

Y/n: "piss off, I basically had it until the end"

Coups: "that's where your hero stepped in"

Y/n: "whatever" you took another full sip of the strong but addictive liquid.

Coups: "steady Y/n.." he came closer, about to remove the glass but you were already tipsy"

Y/n: "Oh leave me alone grandad. Imm off to partyyy" you slurred, pushing past and he followed.

♥︎Enemies Lust ~ S.coups ff♥︎Where stories live. Discover now