Part 6 - Painful Wait

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~Friday 3:37pm~

School had just ended, and you were making your way out when you saw Coups standing alone, looking up at the sky. You laughed to yourself, what is he doing?

Y/n: "Bird-watching is meant for old people, granddad"

Coups: "Cheers"

Y/n: "What are you doing?"

Coups: "Just observing nature, autumns approaching, the leaves are turning a different colour and falling"

Y/n: "That's very insightful of you"

Coups: "I know thats sarcastic" he nudged your shoulder in annoyance.

Y/n: "Anyway, i was wandering if.." you suddenly got shy. You'd never asked a boy out on a date before- NOT A DATE! A work meeting.

Coups: "Hm?"

He turned to face you. The early evening sunset was reflecting on his face and leaves fell behind him, the tall lights producing a soft autumn glow. Picture perfect, and my god, was he beautiful.


He shook a hand in front of your face and you blinked a few times, focusing.

Y/n: "Yeah, i wondered if you wanted to meet tomorrow at a cafe, the one near school is nice, to work, obviously" you avoided his eyes. You never felt this nervous. Never.

Coups: "The games already over, what a shame" he sighed, pouting and you looked up.

Y/n: "Game?"

Coups: "You've fallen for me, too easy, honestly i thought it would be harder" he shook his head disapprovingly and you kicked him, hard.

"OI" he yelped in pain, a few people looking over.

Y/n: "Calm that ego or i'll kick it out of you"

Coups: "Fine! It was a joke, I'm sorry" he held his knee dramatically.

"And yes, lets say 5pm?"

Y/n: "Sure" he smiled at you, innocently. A smile which warmed your heart- head!

Mingyu: "COUPS! There you are, you coming to the game tonight?"

Coups: "Shoot..thats tonight?"

Wonwoo: "Yeah everyones going"

Coups: "I guess"

The8: "Lets go then, we need some last minute practise"

Coups: "Yeah, alright. lets go!"

They all turned to leave but before they could one stayed behind and approached you unexpectedly.

Jun: "You're coming, right Y/n?" they all turned in shock, staring in disbelief at the sight.

Y/n: "Me? I don't think so.." you tucked a strand behind your ear, a standard move of yours when you got flustered.

♥︎Enemies Lust ~ S.coups ff♥︎Where stories live. Discover now