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Thunder rumble overhead in the city as Laura walked up to the brownstone. She paused, suddenly having second thoughts. But her heart pushed her forward. It was beating faster, and faster. Her throat swelled, knowing she had to do this.

She rapped her knuckles against the door, hearing the rain grow louder. Laura looked down at the welcome mat on the front porch step, and the little planter box Taylor had next to it. Nothing grew in it during this time of year, it just flooded with the rain.

"Taylor? Come on, I know you're there." Laura knocked again, forcefully. Now she was soaking wet, thanks to New York's lack of overhang. Eventually the door cracked open, a blue eye peering out.

"Laura...what the hell? Get in, you're going to catch a cold!" Taylor lost her apprehension quickly, opening her door wide and shuffling Laura inside. She grew wild with worry, forgetting for the moment that she was supposed to be annoyed at Laura. Ignoring her in fact, the very reason Laura was there in the first place. In a tizzy Taylor took off her jacket, went to put her kettle on, brought down a warm change of clothes, and then curled up on an armchair in her living room.

Laura stood still, dripping on the hardwood floor. She was angry, and sullen all at once from the younger woman's actions. How dare she just act like she cares suddenly now?

"Why are you here?" Taylor asked, her eyes watching as rain droplets congregated on her wooden floor. Laura turned, her brows furrowed, a frown etched across her face.

"You won't respond to my texts, my messages. You disappeared to wouldn't talk on set. It's like our radio silence is back and I don't want that, I never wanted that." She sighed, shaking her head. "I don't even have a friend in you right now Taylor, and it's killing me."

Taylor blinked, her big blue eyes filling up with tears. She swallowed them, shaking her head. It was time for her to be the bigger person, because she couldn't let Laura be this.

"I agreed to be in the shadows with you and I just can't do it when I'm constantly reminded that it will go nowhere..." Taylor hung her head, looking away from Laura. She hated this feeling. "My love for you isn't just a phase, it isn't something you only want when you're drunk and need a body to touch. I fell for you and I thought that maybe if we had a casual thing, you'd wake the fuck up and leave Ben or at least just use him as a beard!" She got out of the chair, going up to Laura. Blue eyes looked into green, her heart hearting at this expulsion of feeling.

"And now, you've got a baby growing in you. A child, a life and I will never be more than gay aunt Taylor who mommy used to make out with on tv." Taylor's nostrils flared, her shoulders shaking as she spilled her guts out.

"Don't!" Laura's voice cracked as she shouted at Taylor, frustrated. "Taylor...please. I'm sorry, I hurt you,"

"I don't need your sorries when you're just going to hurt me. And hurt me. And hurt me. I fell in love with a straight girl, it's what I deserve." Taylor replied snarkily, grumbling as she pulled back. Laura's hand grabbed her chin, shaking her head.

"Stop fucking calling me straight!" She hissed, curling her fingers to dig into Taylor's chin. The two women breathed against each other, tension swirling.

"Then stop acting like you are," Taylor retorted, being a real smart ass. Laura let her go, ready to raise her hand to slap but then remembered that she was pregnant. She couldn't fight, or even be as rough as she wanted. Deftly she closed the space between them, her lips crashing down on Taylor's. The blonde responded, her arms sliding around Laura's neck. Her teeth nipping at Laura's lower lip.

They stood, tangled up for moments. Taylor's hands raked down Laura's side, lifting the hem of her wet top. She tugged it off, throwing it to the side. It landed with a splat on the wood floor. Laura pulled back, her green eyes searching Taylor's baby blues. Her midriff was exposed now, the bump protruding. An awful reminder to Taylor of why they were fighting. But she simply fell to her knees, placing a soft kiss on the bump before unhooking Laura's jeans. She slid the damp fabric off her long, pale legs, letting it slump to the floor.

They stood in silence, Laura in jeans and a bra, her arms crossed. Taylor bit her own lip, feeling her insides twist. Thankfully the tea kettle broke the silence, leaving Taylor to run out of the room. She poured the boiling water in two mugs, with tea bags of camomile in them. Gently Taylor stirred local honey into the mugs, smelling the tea come to life.

"I'm sorry I hurt you." Laura said from the kitchen doorway. Taylor looked up from her mugs, seeing the taller woman there. She stepped back, taking a breath. Laura walked into the kitchen, padding through, hearing her bare feet on the wood.

Taylor gave up. She couldn't hold anger over her anymore, or pretend that she didn't want Laura in her life. She leaned into Laura's side, her head resting on a pale shoulder.

"I'm sorry that you love me. And I don't want to be angry anymore, and we have too much history to hurt." Taylor mumbled, her arms sliding around Laura's middle. Laura rubbed Taylor's back with one hand, feeling her come undone.

She walked them out to the living room couch, setting Taylor down. Laura brought over the mugs of tea. Monogrammed T mug, and a yellow one that had the word honey etched into it. She then picked up the spare clothes Taylor brought down, sliding them on. The sweats rested gently below her bump. The shirt resting over the top slightly.

"We can't keep fighting Taylor. I won't do it, I can't let myself be so upset." Laura said, sitting beside the younger woman. "And this means that I make a choice. And it's a choice I should have made like forever ago, and I'm sorry I didn't before."

Taylor crawled up onto her knees, her brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" She asked, pushing a strand of blonde hair out of her eyes. Laura licked her lips, shaking her head.

"I'll leave Ben." She said softly, a hand on her bump. Thunder rumbled again, echoing through the house. Taylor blinked in surprise.

Before she had a chance to answer her doorbell rang, causing her to stand up quickly. Confused about who it could be, Taylor padded to the front door, peering out of the peephole before opening it.

"I brought wine," A mischievous grin adorned the brunettes features, her brown eyes sparkling as she lifted the bottle for Taylor to see.

Memories of what she had been doing before Laura arrived came quickly to mind. In Taylor's angry and destructive mood, she had called her ex for a hook up with no strings attached.


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