Pinky Promise

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Laura sat back and stared at her phone. She had just listened to Taylor's message for her and felt sad. Relieved but sad that it was such a big decision or had to be decided at all. Change was not something Laura accepted easily, and she desperately wished that Taylor could be at her side as she is now forever. No role changing, no huge declarations of love, no promises just being there for each other. But that was not going to happen with a baby on the way.

Laura rested her hand gingerly on her bump, taking a deep breath. She left a returning message for Taylor.

"I love you Taylor. I want you in my life too, I promise. Girl, you're god I can't even explain. Take the day to chill, and think more. Maybe we can meet up for lunch on Monday? Text me if you want to go."

She ended the message and sighed. What Laura really wanted was Taylor with her right now, to rub her back and hold her tight but they just weren't there yet. She still felt stung from Taylor's odd behavior at her party, and needed closure from that in person.

If there was any time Laura contemplated drinking in the past 3 months it was now, with doubt and confusion trying to eat her up. She said she wanted Taylor in her and her baby's life, but Taylor's hesitance to decide on that played circles in her mind.

Laura pulled her blankets up and lulled herself to sleep, trying not to realize Taylor's perfume was still on her sheets.

"Hi." Taylor smiled, scooting into a booth at a diner across from Laura.

"Hey girl," Laura replied, her hand holding Taylor's as she sat. Her lips curved into a small smile, seeing the blonde across from her. Taylor wore a button up blouse, tucked into her high rise thrifted jeans. She had on a black bra under her light top, which made Laura's cheeks turn pink as she grew flush.

"So you got my message, and I have to speak it out now. I want to be there. I'm in this, all in. I was having a panic about making decisions, but I was at the wrap party and realized that I don't want you to fade out of my life? And you wouldn't because of us and all but I need to step up and actually be an adult..." Taylor started to ramble on, gesticulating while Laura decided to interject.

"Tay, you have taken enough responsibility. Trust me. It's my baby. I couldn't ask for more from you, and stepping up is huge. You're my partner Taylor. That's pretty fucking big. I...I'm proud of you. I know that. But you have to go with the flow. This is nothing new besides who's in here," Laura paused to touch her bump softly, endearingly. Taylor smiled at the gesture, reflecting on what Laura said.

"No I know that Laura but I can't just up and leave when it gets tough. That's what I'm saying. We'll take it day by day, and I want to, if you wouldn't mind um, move in with you." Taylor stated, embarrassed that she word vomited what she wanted. Laura chuckled, sipping at her lemon water.

"U-hauling? Demanding much?" She teased, looking back down at her menu. "I'm teasing Tay." Laura added, worried that she was upset.

"We both know you're too stubborn to ask me to." Taylor responded, flashing a smile. The two women spent the rest of their afternoon together, relishing in their new found trust and relationship in one another.

Little by little Taylor started to migrate her stuff to Laura's place. A tooth brush here, a blanket there, a book or two here, and of course her yellow tea kettle. It was just like small portions of Taylor had been sprinkled about.

"You're staring Laura," Taylor remarked, noticing the woman in front of her zoning out. Laura quickly looked back to the blonde, her pale cheeks reddening with embarrassment.

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